Dependency Packages
DynamicHMCExamples.jl37Examples for Bayesian inference using DynamicHMC.jl and related packages.
ClimaLSM.jl36Clima's Land Model
CuYao.jl35CUDA extension for Yao.jl
MoYe.jl35Programming Gemm Kernels on NVIDIA GPUs with Tensor Cores in Julia
MarkovModels.jl35Julia package for Hidden Markov Model
Plasma.jl34An interface for accelerated simulation of high-dimensional collisionless and electrostatic plasmas.
StochasticRounding.jl34Up or down? Maybe both?
SparseGaussianProcesses.jl33A Julia implementation of sparse Gaussian processes via path-wise doubly stochastic variational inference.
AstroNbodySim.jl32Unitful and differentiable gravitational N-body simulation code in Julia
RigorousCoupledWaveAnalysis.jl32Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) for nanophotonics simulations
GenerativeModels.jl31Generative Models with trainable conditional distributions in Julia!
FiniteMPS.jl31Provide some MPS-based algorithms such as DMRG and TDVP.
MESTI.jl313D multi-source electromagnetic simulations in frequency domain, implementing the augmented partial factorization (APF) and other methods.
ElectricGrid.jl31A time domain electrical energy grid modeling and simulation tool with a focus on the control of power electronics converters
Quiqbox.jl31Exploring the computational power of fermionic quantum systems. Ab initio computation and basis set optimization for electronic structure problems.
SparseArrayKit.jl30Sparse multidimensional arrays using a DOK format, with support for TensorOperations.jl
QuantumDynamics.jl30Quantum dynamics simulation environment
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
PlanktonIndividuals.jl30This package simulates the behaviors of an ensemble of phytoplankton individuals.
TextModels.jl30Neural Network based models for Natural Language Processing
Qaintessent.jl30Digital quantum circuit simulator written in Julia
BliContractor.jl28TensorOperations.jl compatible fast contractor for Julia, based on TBLIS, with generic strides and automatic differentiation support, within 400 lines.
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
TensorQEC.jl27Tensor networks for quantum error correction.
ClimaOcean.jl26🌎 Tools for realistic regional-to-global ocean simulations, and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce. Basis for the ocean and sea-ice component of CliMA's Earth system model.
ClimaCoupler.jl25ClimaCoupler: bringing atmosphere, land, and ocean together
Photon.jl25Deep Learning made easy and fast
NCCL.jl24A Julia wrapper for the NVIDIA Collective Communications Library.
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
MHDFlows.jl24Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in julia with FourierFlows.jl
Oceanostics.jl24Diagnostics for Oceananigans
FluxKAN.jl24An easy to use Flux implementation of the Kolmogorov Arnold Network. This is a Julia version of TorchKAN.
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
FluxReconstruction.jl22Flux reconstruction method for advection-diffusion type physics
EDKit.jl22Julia package for general many-body exact diagonalization calculation.
DistributedFactorGraphs.jl22Abstraction layer for spanning factor graphs over various technologies
DINCAE.jl22DINCAE (Data-Interpolating Convolutional Auto-Encoder) is a neural network to reconstruct missing data in satellite observations.
KnetLayers.jl21Useful Layers for Knet
ITensorParallel.jl21Parallel tools for ITensors.jl.
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