Dependency Packages
FamaFrenchData.jl9Julia package providing access to the Fama-French data available on the Ken French Data Library
SimplePosets.jl9Simple partially ordered sets for Julia
KernelInterpolation.jl9Multivariate (generalized) scattered data interpolation with symmetric (conditionally) positive definite kernel functions in arbitrary dimension
InfluxDBClient.jl9A Julia client for InfluxDB V2 OSS
SearchLightPostgreSQL.jl9Postgres adapter for SearchLight
AbnormalReturns.jl9Calculate regressions and abnormal returns for large return datasets quickly
ExponentialFamilyProjection.jl9A library to project an arbitrary function to an exponential family member distribution with the manifold optimization
SchattenNorms.jl9Julia package providing Schatten norms, including completely bounded norms, such as Kitaev's diamond norm (ubiquitous in, e.g., quantum information processing)
GenomicVectors.jl9Computations on genome locations, inspired by BioConductor.
Figures.jl9Draggable interactive figures for plots in a browser
Mangal.jl9Get data*. Make science*. (*: only if it's about ecological networks tho)
ImageQualityIndexes.jl9Indexes for image quality assessment
MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl9MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl is a collection of software tools written in the Julia programming language for graph signal processing including HGLET, GHWT, eGHWT, NGWP, Lapped NGWP, and Lapped HGLET. Some of them were originally written in MATLAB by Jeff Irion, but we added more functionalities, e.g., eGHWT, NGWP, etc.
SpinWaveTheory.jl9Julia package for the spin wave theory of magnetically ordered quantum spin systems.
JuliaKara.jl9A julia port of the learning environment Kara
JLBoostMLJ.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
SimpleFeatures.jl9Working with simple feature GIS data in Julia
ConstrainedControl.jl9Control for rigid body dynamical systems in maximal coordinates
PowerModelsProtection.jl9Fault study formulations for PowerModels and PowerModelsDistribution
Judyp.jl9Julia package for solving dynamic programming problems
MixedModelsMakie.jl9Plotting functionality for MixedModels.jl implemented in Makie
SeisMain.jl9Main package for SeismicJulia project
SphericalFunctions.jl9Spherical functions of arbitrary float types
ODEInterfaceDiffEq.jl9Adds the common API onto ODEInterface classic Fortran methods for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
GadgetIO.jl9Binary IO for the cosmological Tree-SPH code Gadget
QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit.jl9Julia package for phylogenetic networks analyses using 4-taxon subsets.
DrillHoles.jl9Drill hole utilities for the GeoStats.jl framework
FSimROS.jl9A package of FlightSims.jl family for ROS2.
DustExtinction.jl9Models for interstellar dust extinction
ParametrisedConvexApproximators.jl9A Julia package for parameterized convex approximators including parameterized log-sum-exp (PLSE) network.
FinEtoolsDeforLinear.jl9Finite Element tools in Julia: Linear stress analysis application
FourierGPE.jl9Simple Gross-Pitaevskii Equation solver using FFTW
PartiallySeparableNLPModels.jl9A three-way bridge between ExpressionTreeForge.jl, PartitionedStructures.jl and PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl
GoogleGenAI.jl9Google Gemini API wrapper for Julia
PressureFieldContact.jl9Elastic foundation contact model for rigid body dynamics.
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