Dependency Packages
NPFinancial.jl9NPFinancial.jl is a port of the NumPy's financial module
LearningHorse.jl9LearningHorse.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
PauliStrings.jl9Quantum many body systems with Pauli strings
MonolithicFEMVLFS.jl9A monolithic Finite Element formulation for the hydroelastic analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
Algames.jl9Game Theoretic Planning
AlgebraicRL.jl9Reinforcement learning, compositionally
COBREXA.jl9COnstraint Based Reconstruction and EXascale Analysis (in Julia)
ModiaBase.jl9Core algorithms for equation-based modeling
SpiderMonkey.jl9A Julia package for Spider Monkey Optimization.
QuantumStateBase.jl9Quantum states for quantum optics.
ChemometricsData.jl9Chemometrics Data Respository, Scraper, and Fetcher.
Enlsip.jl9Enlsip.jl is the Julia version of a Fortran77 optimization library designed to solve nonlinear least squares problems under general nonlinear constraints.
PlotIter.jl9Make many plots from an iterable
NeuralQuantumState.jl9Implements the Neural Quantum State algorithm for Julia.
RayTraceHeatTransfer.jl9This repository performs radiative heat transfer calculations in a user defined enclosure with a participating medium by using Monte Carlo ray tracing to obtain exchange factors allowing for quick heat transfer calculations
OMOPCDMCohortCreator.jl9Create cohorts from databases utilizing the OMOP CDM
IntegratedOptics.jl9Simulation and Optimization Library for Integrated Optics in Julia.
AWSBraket.jl9Julia wrapper of AWSBraket schema and REST API
AtmosphericModels.jl91d and 3d models of the atmosphere for the simulation of airborne wind energy systems
MaximinOPF.jl9A Julia/JuMP Package for N-k Contingency Analysis in Power Systems
HorseML.jl9HorseML.jl is the ML library for JuliaLang.
SeisProcessing.jl9Processing tools for SeismicJulia project
SymPyPythonCall.jl9SymPy with PythonCall backend (not PyCall)
Tesseract.jl9Julia bindings for the Tesseract Library and to a lesser extent the Leptonica library.
XbrlXML.jl9Package for parsing XBRL
TableWidgets.jl9Interactive widgets to work with tabular data in Julia
VarianceComponentModels.jl9Utilities for fitting and testing variance component models
YahooFinance.jl9Download Yahoo Finance market data in Julia.
TimeProbeSeismic.jl9Memory efficient seismic inversion via trace estimation
VortexDistributions.jl8Fast accurate creation, detection and analysis of quantum vortex distributions.
WiSER.jl8Within-subject variance estimation by robust regression (WiSER)
ZarrDatasets.jl8An high-level interface for Zarr datasets
WaterWaves1D.jl8Water wave models in one dimension
StochasticGene.jl8Julia module to fit and analyze stochastic gene transcription models
TimeZoneFinder.jl8Find timezone from latitude and longitude
TopOptProblems.jl8A collection of standard topology optimisation problems.
Tracking.jl8Modular tracking algorithm for various GNSS Systems
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