Dependency Packages
OceanStateEstimation.jl11Climatology, including of the Ocean state
FlowAtlas.jl10An interactive explorer for flow cytometry data
DustExtinction.jl9Models for interstellar dust extinction
ChemometricsData.jl9Chemometrics Data Respository, Scraper, and Fetcher.
CrypticCrosswords.jl8Cryptic crossword clue solver written in Julia
GraphDatasets.jl8A package for downloading and working with graph datasets
NeXLCore.jl8Core algorithms and data for X-ray microanalysis calculations
JudiLing.jl8JudiLing: An implementation for Linear Discriminative Learning in Julia.
PointProcessInference.jl7Statistical inference for Poisson Processes
E4ST.jl7Engineering, Economic, and Environmental Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST)
OceanBasins.jl7Determine if a (lat,lon) coordinate is in a given ocean basin
CurrentPopulationSurvey.jl6A simple package for easily downloading/parsing CPS microdata files.
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
TrillionDollarWords.jl5A small Julia package to facilitate working with the Trillion Dollar Words dataset.
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
AxisSets.jl5Consistent operations over a collection of KeyedArrays
NIRX.jl4Read NIRX near-infrared spectroscopy files
QSFit.jl4QSO spectral fitting made easy!
SnowyOwl.jl4A single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis toolkit in Julia.
NLIDatasets.jl4Julia interface to datasets for natural language inference
GHCNData.jl4Helps access the Global Historical Climatological Network's daily data
GeoArtifacts.jl3Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
JudiLingMeasures.jl3Calculate measures for Discriminative Lexicon models developed with JudiLing.
LargeMovieReviewDataset.jl3Julia interface to the large (IMDB) movie review corpus for sentiment classification
HealthSampleData.jl2Sample health data for a variety of health formats and use cases
HCIDatasets.jl2Open-source datasets for high-contrast imaging
OutlierDetectionData.jl2Easy way to use public outlier detection datasets with Julia
PRISMA.jl2Generate checklists and flow diagrams based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
ReSHOP.jl2ReSHOP bindings for Julia
SemanticCaches.jl2Smarter caching for GenAI: reducing latency, one request at a time.
Snowball.jl2Snowball stemming algorithms
CliMADatasets.jl2Repository that containts climate relevant ML datasets from the Climate Modeling Alliance.
FlashRank.jl1Rapid Document Ranking, Powered by Lightweight Models.
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