Dependency Packages
DataLoaders.jl76A parallel iterator for large machine learning datasets that don't fit into memory inspired by PyTorch's `DataLoader` class.
Complementarity.jl75Provides a modeling interface for mixed complementarity problems (MCP) and math programs with equilibrium problems (MPEC) via JuMP
Tilde.jl75WIP successor to Soss.jl
Pathfinder.jl75Preheat your MCMC
StochasticPrograms.jl75Julia package for formulating and analyzing stochastic recourse models.
SampledSignals.jl75Core types for regularly-sampled multichannel signals like Audio, RADAR and Software-Defined Radio
Kalman.jl75Flexible filtering and smoothing in Julia
SimpleHypergraphs.jl75A simple hypergraphs package for the Julia programming language
JuliaCon.jl75JuliaCon. Everywhere.
MatrixDepot.jl74An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia
MIToS.jl74A Julia package to analyze protein sequences, structures, and evolutionary information
Modia3D.jl74Modeling and Simulation of 3D systems
DifferentialDynamicProgramming.jl74A package for solving Differential Dynamic Programming and trajectory optimization problems.
Peaks.jl73Find peaks (local extrema) of signals
Parametron.jl73Efficiently solving instances of a parameterized family of (possibly mixed-integer) linear/quadratic optimization problems in Julia
MultiScaleArrays.jl73A framework for developing multi-scale arrays for use in scientific machine learning (SciML) simulations
MetaGraphsNext.jl73A package for graphs with vertex labels and metadata in Julia
MCTS.jl73Monte Carlo Tree Search for Markov decision processes using the POMDPs.jl framework
AverageShiftedHistograms.jl73⚡ Lightning fast density estimation in Julia ⚡
Survival.jl73Survival analysis in Julia
AlgebraicPetri.jl72Build Petri net models compositionally
DTables.jl72Distributed table structures and data manipulation operations built on top of Dagger.jl
DomainSets.jl72A Julia package for describing domains as continuous sets of elements
DeepQLearning.jl72Implementation of the Deep Q-learning algorithm to solve MDPs
Matte.jl72Julia-powered dashboards, inspired by Material Design
InfiniteArrays.jl72A Julia package for representing infinite-dimensional arrays
IncrementalInference.jl72Clique recycling non-Gaussian (multi-modal) factor graph solver; also see Caesar.jl.
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
OpenQuantumTools.jl72Julia toolkit for open quantum system simulation.
StructuredOptimization.jl72Structured optimization in Julia
Pathogen.jl72Simulation, visualization, and inference of individual level infectious disease models with Julia
RigidBodySim.jl71Simulation and visualization of articulated rigid body systems in Julia
PkgDev.jl71Tools for Julia package developers
IonSim.jl71A simple tool for simulating trapped ion systems
HighDimPDE.jl71A Julia package for Deep Backwards Stochastic Differential Equation (Deep BSDE) and Feynman-Kac methods to solve high-dimensional PDEs without the curse of dimensionality
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
Bplus.jl71A modern OpenGL 4.6 rendering framework, written in Julia.
Atom.jl71Julia Client for Atom
Tyler.jl71Makie package to plot maptiles from various map providers
FlashWeave.jl71Inference of microbial interaction networks from large-scale heterogeneous abundance data
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