Dependency Packages
BaytesFilters.jl0A library to perform particle filtering for one parameter in a `ModelWrapper` struct.
RIrtWrappers.jl0This package wraps some R libraries for fitting IRT models
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
QMSimFiles.jl0A package to handle data generated by QMSim
VeriQuEST.jl0Simulating quantum computing verification
BaytesDiff.jl0Wrappers to differentiate `ModelWrapper` structs, see ModelWrappers.jl.
RPCholesky.jl0Randomly Pivoted Cholesky algorithm, implemented in Julia
RunStatistics.jl0Run statistics in Julia
PyRhodium.jl0Julia wrapper for the Python Rhodium package
PyMBAR.jl0A thin wrapper around the python PyMBAR
PyCaesar.jl0Python extensions relating to Caesar.jl
PsychometricsBazaarBase.jl0Base package for JuliaPsychometricsBazaar ecosystem
PsychometricsBazzarBase.jl0Base package for JuliaPsychometricsBazaar ecosystem
ProgenyTestingTools.jl0A toolkit for progeny testing simulation
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
PQBaseCamp.jl0Base data analysis methods for Paliquant
PooksoftOptionsKit.jl0Julia package with methods for computing options pricing, profit and loss
PlotPlants.jl0Yujie's customized plotting utilities
SelfConcordantSmoothOptimization.jl0Self-concordant Smoothing for Large-Scale Convex Composite Optimization
BayesSizeAndShape.jl0Bayesian regression models for size-and-shape data
PersistentHomologyTransfer.jl0Implementation of Persistent Homology Transform
PearsonCorrelationMatch.jl0Compute the Pearson correlation to be used in Gaussian copulas
ParallelAnalysis.jl0Heuristic methods for assessing approximate unidimensionality of data matrix.
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
ObservationSchemes.jl0Systematic way of defining observation schemes for stochastic processes
VirtualAgeModels.jl0Virtual Age Models for Julia
SignalTablesInterface_CairoMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to CairoMakie
SignalTablesInterface_GLMakie.jl0SignalTables Interface to GLMakie
SignalTablesInterface_PyPlot.jl0SignalTables Interface to PyPlot
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