Dependency Packages
HYPRE.jl28Julia interface to hypre linear solvers (
ManifoldDiffEq.jl28Differential equations on manifolds
QuantumCollocation.jl27Quantum Optimal Control with Direct Collocation
BlockDecomposition.jl27Extension of JuMP to model decomposable mathematical programs (using Benders or Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition paradigm)
GraphsFlows.jl27Flow algorithms on Graphs.jl
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
AsyPlots.jl27A Julia package for making figures with Asymptote and Cairo
ToQUBO.jl27🟦 JuMP ToQUBO Automatic Reformulation
KernelEstimator.jl27The julia package for nonparametric density estimate and regression
BifurcationInference.jl27Learning state-space targets in dynamical systems
FluxPrune.jl27Pruning framework and methods for Flux
InteractBase.jl27Build interactive HTML5 widgets in Julia
LocalSearchSolvers.jl27A Julia package to manage Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) solvers.
AeroAcoustics.jl27A Julia package for Aeroacoustics
CLEARSWI.jl27Improved susceptibility weighted imaging using multi-echo aquisitions
SequentialSamplingModels.jl27A unified interface for simulating and evaluating sequential sampling models in Julia.
Eikonal.jl27Solvers for the Eikonal equation
TensorQEC.jl27Tensor networks for quantum error correction.
Ai4EComponentLib.jl27A component library based on ModelingToolkit
Transducers.jl27Efficient transducers for Julia
Simplicial.jl27A package for various computations with simplicial complexes, combinatorial codes, directed complexes and their filtrations.
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
Nbdev.jl27Create Julia packages from Notebooks
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
OpenSMILES.jl26OpenSMILES parser in Julia
OMEinsumContractionOrders.jl26Tensor network contraction order optimizers for OMEinsum
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
SNOW.jl26Optimization framework for nonlinear, gradient-based constrained, sparse optimization problems.
PolaronMobility.jl26Feynman's variational path-integral model for the Fröhlich polaron. Calculates temperature dependent polaron mobilities, and other polaron observables.
Wannier.jl26A playground for Wannier functions
ClimaOcean.jl26🌎 Tools for realistic regional-to-global ocean simulations, and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce. Basis for the ocean and sea-ice component of CliMA's Earth system model.
NuclearToolkit.jl26NuclearToolkit.jl: Julia package for nuclear structure calculations
JustRelax.jl26Pseudo-transient accelerated iterative solvers
GeoStatsBase.jl26Base package for the GeoStats.jl framework
SphericalHarmonicExpansions.jl26A Julia package to handle spherical harmonic functions
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
PaddedMatrices.jl26This library provides arrays with columns padded to be a multiple of SIMD-vector width.
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