Dependency Packages
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
BioMedQuery.jl17Julia utilities for interacting with biomedical databases and biomedical application programming interfaces (APIs)
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
SingleCellProjections.jl17Analysis of Single Cell Expression data in Julia
Jags.jl17Julia package for using Jags as an external program
BrkgaMpIpr.jl17The Multi-Parent Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Implict Path Relink - Julia version
Jchemo.jl17Tools for chemometrics and machine learning on high-dimensional data (e.g. Partial least squares regression/discrimination)
Nclusion.jl17Scalable nonparametric clustering with unified marker gene selection for single-cell RNA-seq data
JOLI.jl17Julia Operators LIbrary
PoreMatMod.jl17A find-and-replace tool for crystal structure models. implements (i) subgraph matching and (ii) point set alignment to search a parent crystal for a query fragment, then align and install a replacement fragment in its place.
ReactiveDynamics.jl17A Julia package that implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems.
HOODESolver.jl17High Oscillatory Ordinary Differential Equation Solver in Julia
AIControl.jl17Implementation of the AIControl paper in Julia 1.0
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
CorrectMatch.jl17Source code for
SurrogateModelOptim.jl17Surrogate modeling package in Julia using radial basis functions for use in optimisation.
PredictMD.jl17Uniform interface for machine learning in Julia
TypeClasses.jl16Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad and more
GIRFReco.jl16An Open-Source End-to-End Pipeline for Spiral Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Reconstruction in Julia
AstrodynamicalModels.jl16Dynamical models used within astrodynamics and orbital mechanics!
MeshIntegrals.jl16Numerical integration over Meshes.jl geometry domains
GalerkinToolkit.jl16Finite-element toolbox in Julia
Fibers.jl16Julia package for reconstructing fiber trajectories from multi-scale, multi-modal imaging data
SBMLImporter.jl16Import dynamic models in the SBML format into a ReactionSystem for Gillespie, SDE and ODE simulations
Chmy.jl16Finite differences and staggered grids on CPUs and GPUs
QuantumPropagators.jl16Propagators for Quantum Dynamics and Optimal Control
LiftedTrajectoryGames.jl16A neural network accelerated solver for mixed-strategy solutions of trajectory games. Do you even lift?
NonconvexUtils.jl16Some convenient hacks when using Nonconvex.jl.
SimpleValueGraphs.jl16A LightGraphs.jl compatible graph package for graphs with multiple vertex, edge and graph metadata.
JSCall.jl16Call Javascript libraries with ease
UnfoldMakie.jl16Plotting tools for Unfold.jl based on Makie.jl and AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
TMLE.jl16A pure Julia implementation of the Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation
KrigingEstimators.jl16Kriging estimators for the GeoStats.jl framework
NighttimeLights.jl16Package to analyse VIIRS nighttime lights
UnitDiskMapping.jl16Reduce several arbitrary-connectivity optimization problems into maximum independent set problems on a grid
RadiationSpectra.jl16Toolkit for analysis of radiation spectra in Julia
HyperTuning.jl16HyperTuning: Automated hyperparameter tuning in Julia.
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