Dependency Packages
GeoStatsFunctions.jl4Geostatistical functions for the GeoStats.jl framework
NonconvexTOBS.jl4An implementation of the TOBS algorithm as a heuristic for binary nonlinear programming
GeostatInversion.jl4Geostatistical Inversion
AzManagers.jl4Julia cluster manager for Azure scale sets. Part of the COFII framework.
GeoLearning.jl4Geostatistical learning solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
QuantumControlBase.jl4Common methods for quantum control packages
NumNN.jl4Neural Networks deals with hardware implementations and simulation in mind
Synthesizer.jl4Switched-On Bayes.
GenieCache.jl4Abstract package for Genie caching
GaussianMixtureTest.jl4Implement the Kasahara-Shimotsu Test to decide number of components in Gaussian Mixture Model.
GasChem.jl4Models of gas-phase atmospheric chemistry and related processes
OceanRasterConversions.jl4Modules to analyse ocean model output or observational data that are saved as Raster data structures.
GadgetUnits.jl4Unit conversion utility for the cosmological Tree-SPH code Gadget
FoundationDB.jl4FoundationDB client in Julia
FoldsThreads.jl4Forked successor of
FlxQTL.jl4A comprehensive QTL analysis tool by multivariate linear mixed model.
OnlineLogBinning.jl4Julia package to determine effective number of uncorrelated data points in a correlated data stream via an O(log N) online binning algorithm.
FlowWorkspace.jl4Load useful metadata from FlowJo workspace files such as gating strategies and sample groups
QuantumAnnealingAnalytics.jl4Tools for Visualization of Quantum Annealing
TensND.jl4Package allowing tensor calculations in arbitrary coordinate systems.
FlightGNC.jl4A Julia package containing GNC algorithms for autonomous aerospace systems
Fjage.jl4Fjage in Julia
FishTank.jl4FishTank.jl creates an e-fish for you in case you feel lonely when you are coding.
FieldDistributionNonuniformMedium.jl4God said Maxwell equations and then there was light
FeedbackNets.jl4Deep and convolutional neural networks with feedback operations in Flux.
F1Method.jl4F-1 method
EyeOfRa.jl4Continuous testing while developing functions
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl4Manifolds for the natural parameters of members of the exponential family of distributions
Experimenter.jl4A Julia package to help researchers save the results of their experiments in a database in a scaleable way.
EulerLagrange.jl4Code generation for Euler-Lagrange equations.
SequencerJ.jl4Julia-language port of the Sequencer algorithm, originally developed in python ( The Sequencer finds trends in 1-dimensional data sets and has been used by its original authors for data analysis in astrophysics, seismology, image processing, etc. Contributions are welcome!
TheNumberLine.jl4The Number Line is a common teaching tool for Math classes (K-12)
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