Dependency Packages
Pesto.jl4Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination
MagnonPhononHybridization.jl4Magnon-phonon hybridized system.
ModelMiner.jl4One package to train them all
PhasedArray.jl4Create manifolds based on LUTs or ideal antennas. Get steering vectors depending on DOA and plot patterns
SlidingDistancesBase.jl4Defines distance_profile and utilities
LoopTools.jl4Julia wrapper of LoopTools for computing one-loop integrals
FlightGNC.jl4A Julia package containing GNC algorithms for autonomous aerospace systems
MLJTestIntegration.jl4Utilities to test implementations of the MLJ model interface and provide integration tests for the MLJ ecosystem
MathepiaModels.jl4Epidemic spatial and temporal model setup and simulation. Focusing on state of the art epidemiology models such as universal differential equations, epidemiology-informed deep learning models. Part of Mathepia.jl
PhyloModels.jl4Phylogenetic simulation and inference in Julia
CBLS.jl4A MOI/JuMP interface for `LocalSearchSolvers.jl`, a Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) framework
CausalForest.jl4Causal forests following HTERF method and their interpretabilty
MultiStateSystems.jl4A Julia package to solve multi-state system models, often found in reliability engineering.
MCMCDebugging.jl4MCMCDebugging.jl: debugging utilities for MCMC samplers
ParticleScattering.jl4A Julia package for solving two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from numerous particles
ImplicitGraphs.jl4Implicitly defined graphs (possibly infinite)
RecoverPose.jl4Different methods for pose recovery.
MonotoneSplines.jl4Monotone Cubic B-Splines (arXiv:2307.01748)
RandomPhaseApproximation.jl4Standard random phase approximation (particle-hole channel) for quantum lattice system.
RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl4Julia Package for randomized diagonal estimation of matrices and matrix functions
StirredReactor.jl4A julia package for the simulation of stirred tank reactor with surface, gasphase or user defined chemistry models
QuantumAnnealingAnalytics.jl4Tools for Visualization of Quantum Annealing
PlantGeom.jl4Everything 3D for plants 🌱
XPORTA.jl4A Julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
MetapopulationDynamics.jl4Population dynamics across space, in Julia.
BayesQR.jl4Bayesian quantile regression in Julia
ParticleMDI.jl4A Julia package for integrative cluster analysis of multiple genomics datasets
NgSpice.jl4This package wraps NgSpice for Julia users
MetaPhylo.jl4Phylogenetic trees with metadata by Julia based on Graphs.jl and AbstractTrees.jl.
StatsLearnModels.jl4Statistical learning models for tabular data
BasicTextRender.jl4Makes pixels from strings in a very basic way
XGPaint.jl4Fast forward simulations of extragalactic foregrounds
MeanFieldToolkit.jl4Package for solving generalized BdG mean field theory of interacting systems.
PeriodicSystems.jl4Linear periodic time-varying systems tools in Julia
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