Dependency Packages
StatisticalRethinking.jl386Julia package with selected functions in the R package `rethinking`. Used in the SR2... projects.
MultivariateStats.jl375A Julia package for multivariate statistics and data analysis (e.g. dimension reduction)
Stheno.jl339Probabilistic Programming with Gaussian processes in Julia
Surrogates.jl329Surrogate modeling and optimization for scientific machine learning (SciML)
SciMLSensitivity.jl329A component of the DiffEq ecosystem for enabling sensitivity analysis for scientific machine learning (SciML). Optimize-then-discretize, discretize-then-optimize, adjoint methods, and more for ODEs, SDEs, DDEs, DAEs, etc.
DiffEqSensitivity.jl329A component of the DiffEq ecosystem for enabling sensitivity analysis for scientific machine learning (SciML). Optimize-then-discretize, discretize-then-optimize, adjoint methods, and more for ODEs, SDEs, DDEs, DAEs, etc.
Modia.jl321Modeling and simulation of multidomain engineering systems
RCall.jl318Call R from Julia
LsqFit.jl313Simple curve fitting in Julia
GaussianProcesses.jl308A Julia package for Gaussian Processes
HypothesisTests.jl296Hypothesis tests for Julia
StateSpaceModels.jl271StateSpaceModels.jl is a Julia package for time-series analysis using state-space models.
MCMCChain.jl266Types and utility functions for summarizing Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MCMCChains.jl266Types and utility functions for summarizing Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MonteCarloMeasurements.jl261Propagation of distributions by Monte-Carlo sampling: Real number types with uncertainty represented by samples.
RxInfer.jl260Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing
Mamba.jl253Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for Bayesian analysis in julia
InfiniteOpt.jl251An intuitive modeling interface for infinite-dimensional optimization problems.
StochasticDiffEq.jl248Solvers for stochastic differential equations which connect with the scientific machine learning (SciML) ecosystem
StatsModels.jl248Specifying, fitting, and evaluating statistical models in Julia
StatsFuns.jl232Mathematical functions related to statistics.
AdvancedHMC.jl228Robust, modular and efficient implementation of advanced Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithms
FixedEffectModels.jl225Fast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables
Integrals.jl225A common interface for quadrature and numerical integration for the SciML scientific machine learning organization
BayesNets.jl217Bayesian Networks for Julia
AbstractGPs.jl217Abstract types and methods for Gaussian Processes.
TidierPlots.jl214Tidier data visualization in Julia, modeled after the ggplot2 R package.
Stan.jl211Stan.jl illustrates the usage of the 'single method' packages, e.g. StanSample, StanOptimize, etc.
ReservoirComputing.jl206Reservoir computing utilities for scientific machine learning (SciML)
Reinforce.jl201Abstractions, algorithms, and utilities for reinforcement learning in Julia
Bijectors.jl200Implementation of normalising flows and constrained random variable transformations
Hyperopt.jl200Hyperparameter optimization in Julia.
StochasticAD.jl199Research package for automatic differentiation of programs containing discrete randomness.
BAT.jl198A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
Clapeyron.jl194Clapeyron provides a framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models, including SAFT, cubic, activity, multi-parameter, and COSMO-SAC.
VoronoiFVM.jl194Solution of nonlinear multiphysics partial differential equation systems using the Voronoi finite volume method
CausalInference.jl189Causal inference, graphical models and structure learning in Julia
ChaosTools.jl187Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
HomotopyContinuation.jl181A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.
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