Dependency Packages
ClusteringDifferences.jl2Clustering and clustering difference models
CombinatorialMultigrid.jl2Implements the Combinatorial Multigrid Preconditioner
ConfSets.jl2Compute confidence Intervals (CLT, Chebyshev, Hoeffding) and Confidence Seqeunces (in a sequential setting if needed) in Julia
ContinuousTimePolicyGradients.jl2A package for the development and implementation of continuous-time policy gradient (CTPG) methods.
CrossMappings.jl2A Julia package for computing cross mapping causality measures between time series.
CVChannel.jl2A numerical library for evaluating the communication value of a quantum channel.
DampRR.jl2A Julia package for the damped rank reduction method and its variants.
DataDrivenAcoustics.jl2Data driven acoustic propagation models
DecisionMakingPolicies.jl2A repository continaing the policy interface for DecisionMaking.jl
DEDataArrays.jl2A deprecated way of handling discrete data in continuous equations
DegreesOfFreedom.jl2Julia package for "Degrees of Freedom: Search Cost and Self-consistency"
DerivableFunctionsBase.jl2Provides core functionality of DerivableFunctions.jl without loading backends.
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
DiffusionDefinition.jl2Structured way of defining diffusion processes
DiffusionGarnet.jl2Model coupled diffusion of major elements in garnet using natural data.
DiscreteFunctions.jl2Functions to/from {1,2,...,n}
DualMatrixTools.jl2A little Julia module to allow factorization and backslash to work with dual-valued arrays and sparse arrays.
DynamicBounds.jl2Bounds and Relaxations of Parametric Differential Equations
DynamicBoundsBase.jl2Abstraction Layer for Dynamic Bounds
DynamicGridsGtk.jl2A desktop Gtk interface for DynamicGrids.jl
DynamicLinearModels.jl2Julia package for working with Dynamic Linear Models.
Earth.jl2Earth (multivariate adaptive regression splines) for Julia
EclipsingBinaryStars.jl2Provides an eclipsing binary type as well as functions that compute eclipsing binary parameters
EEGToolkit.jl2A Julia package for computational EEG analysis with a focus on sleep neuroscience
ElectronTests.jl2Common utilities for testing JSServe apps with Electron
EllipseSampling.jl2Julia package for sampling and generating points on the boundary of an ellipse with methods for random, equally spaced and clustered points
EmpiricalPotentials.jl2Empirical interatomic potentials with Julia, AtomsBase and AtomsCalculators
EquationsSolver.jl2A user-friendly tool to solve linear equations and nonlinear equations.
ErdosExtras.jl2More algorithms for the Erdos.jl graph library
EvoDynamics.jl2Simulation of eco-evolutionary dynamics on multi-trait networks
ExtendedExtremes.jl2A collection of extended Generalized Pareto distributions (EGPD) and related functions.
FastGaussianProcesses.jl2Fast construction of Gaussian Process Regression models supporting gradient information.
FIB.jl2Fast informed bound solver for POMDPs.
FieldTracer.jl2Vector field tracing on common types of meshes
FinEtoolsMeshing.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Examples of meshing
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