Dependency Packages
MakieGallery.jl47Documentation and Example Gallery for Makie
FloatingTableView.jl42Easy table viewing in a pop-up window in Julia
IncompressibleNavierStokes.jl41Incompressible Navier-Stokes solver
MeshCatMechanisms.jl403D Visualization of mechanisms and URDFs using MeshCat.jl and RigidBodyDynamics.jl
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
Glimmer.jl37A Julia package for UI development
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
BlobTracking.jl36Detect and track blobs in video
Diagonalizations.jl35Diagonalization procedures for Julia (PCA, Whitening, MCA, gMCA, CCA, gCCA, CSP, CSTP, AJD, mAJD)
Webviews.jl33🌐 Julia implementation of webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs.
ElectricGrid.jl31A time domain electrical energy grid modeling and simulation tool with a focus on the control of power electronics converters
SimplePlots.jl31Plots made Simple 📉
GtkObservables.jl30Combine Gtk4.jl and Observables.jl for easier GUI development
StippleCharts.jl29StippleCharts is a library of reactive charts for Stipple.jl.
FerriteViz.jl28Plot your Ferrite.jl data
FaceDetection.jl28A face detection algorithm using Viola-Jones' rapid object detection framework written in Julia
InteractBase.jl27Build interactive HTML5 widgets in Julia
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
MendelImpute.jl24OpenMendel package for haplotyping and imputation
SmoothLivePlot.jl24A Julia package for creating live-style plots during calculations.
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
LearningAlgebraicVarieties.jl23Learning Algebraic Varieties from Samples
StipplePlotly.jl22Plotly integration for Stipple.jl
SimulatedNeuralMoments.jl22Package for Bayesian and classical estimation and inference based on statistics that are filtered through a trained neural net
Trebuchet.jl21Throw stuff
GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl21Finite Element Module for Julia that focusses on gradient-robust discretisations and multiphysics problems
GenieFramework.jl21Meta package for Genie reactive apps
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
PosteriorPlots.jl20Graphical tools for Bayesian inference and posterior predictive checks
ChemfilesViewer.jl20Julia library to visualize molecules and other chemical structures
Leaflet.jl20LeafletJS mapping library from Julia
Gtk4Makie.jl20GLMakie + Gtk4
Cropbox.jl19🌾 declarative crop modeling framework
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
MOSLab.jl18From Semiconductor to TransistorLevel Modeling in Julia
SphericalScattering.jl18This package provides semi-analytical solutions to the scattering of time harmonic and static electromagnetic fields from spherical objects.
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