Dependency Packages
PlateMotionRequests.jl1[MIRROR] Request tectonic plate motion data for various Earth rotation models in Julia
TracyWidomBeta.jl1This package aims to compute the Tracy-Widom distribution for arbitrary positive beta.
Simpsons.jl1Statistics, Julia package: check data for a Simpson's statistical paradox.
TrainingPhantoms.jl1Julia package for the Generation of Phantoms that can be used in ML Applications
DiscreteEntropy.jl1Estimation of Shannon Entropy for Discrete Random Variables
NeuralNetworkReachability.jl1Set propagation for neural networks in Julia
NerfUtils.jl1Reusable NeRF components
DifferentiableBackwardEuler.jl1Automatically Differentiate the backward Euler method
DICOMClient.jl1Julia client for connecting to DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) servers by using the DICOMweb RESTful services
PathWeightSampling.jl1Julia implementation of Path Weight Sampling (PWS) to compute information transmission rates
DeformableBodies.jl1Julia package dedicated to modeling and solving the change of reference frame problem for self-deforming bodies.
StochasticIntegrals.jl1This generates covariance matrices and cholesky decompositions for a set of stochastic integrals.
DecisionMakingUtils.jl1This package provides utility structs and functions to support solving RL problems
PasteMyst.jl1A PasteMyst API Wrapper for Julia.
Kucoin.jl1Kucoin API with Julia
KitePodModels.jl1Models of control pods of remote controlled kites
SimulinkSDIImporter.jl1Import data from Simulink SDI Sessions to Julia.
Kanones.jl1A julia package implementing the kanones system for building Greek morphological parsers.
SemiLagrangian.jl1Advection implementation using Semi-Lagrangian numerical method
PooksoftAssetModelingKit.jl1Julia package for different types of asset return or price models
TreeViewWidget.jl1A minimal TreeView widget
CurricularVisualization.jl1CurricularVisualization.jl is an extension of the CurricularAnalytics.jl toolbox for visualizing curricula and degree plans.
BATBase.jl1Core API of BAT.jl
PooksoftAlphaVantageDataStore.jl1Repository for the PooksoftAlphaVantageDataStore Julia package
JordanForm.jl1An _educational_ implementation for computing the Jordan form and its transformation matrix.
CropRootBox.jl1🪴 example of root system architecture simulation like CRootBox
CountriesBorders.jl1Small package to extract coordinates of countries border
SentinelExplorer.jl1A pure Julia package for querying and downloading Sentinel data.
JetPackDSP.jl1Jet Operators dependent on DSP.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
PonchonSavarit.jl1A toolbox for the Ponchón-Savarit method for Julia
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