Dependency Packages
Trading.jl56Algorithmic trading and backtesting framework in pure julia
AdvancedPS.jl56Implementation of advanced Sequential Monte Carlo and particle MCMC algorithms
FMIFlux.jl55FMIFlux.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language, which offers the ability to place FMUs ( everywhere inside of your ML topologies and still keep the resulting model trainable with a standard (or custom) FluxML training process.
AD4SM.jl55Automatic Differentiation for Solid Mechanics
Sophon.jl54Efficient, Accurate, and Streamlined Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks
TiffImages.jl53💎 Pure-Julia TIFF I/O with a focus on correctness 🧐
HarmonicBalance.jl53A Julia package for solving nonlinear differential equations using the harmonic balance method.
ApproxBayes.jl52Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) algorithms for likelihood free inference in julia
QuantumLab.jl52A workbench for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Physics in Julia
POMCPOW.jl52Online solver based on Monte Carlo tree search for POMDPs with continuous state, action, and observation spaces.
CMBLensing.jl52The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
PorousMaterials.jl50Julia package towards classical molecular modeling of nanoporous materials
MakieLayout.jl50Layouting for Makie.jl
QuantumControl.jl49Julia Framework for Quantum Dynamics and Control
StatsMakie.jl48Statistical visualizations based on high performance plotting package Makie
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
MakieGallery.jl47Documentation and Example Gallery for Makie
Unfold.jl46Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, pupil ...) regression analysis in Julia
GeometricIntegrators.jl46Geometric Numerical Integration in Julia
IonCLI.jl46The Ion CLI for Julia.
PopGen.jl46Population Genetics in Julia
MultipleScattering.jl46A Julia library for simulating, processing, and plotting multiple scattering of waves.
SpectralDistances.jl46Measure the distance between two spectra/signals using optimal transport and related metrics
YOLO.jl45YOLO Object Detection in Julia
ImageFeatures.jl44Image feature detection for the Julia language
RadiativeTransfer.jl43A full end-to-end modular software suite for radiative transfer and related atmospheric analysis
SystemBenchmark.jl43Julia package for benchmarking a system
Crux.jl43Julia library for deep reinforcement learning
GeometricMachineLearning.jl42Structure Preserving Machine Learning Models in Julia
Jutul.jl41Experimental framework for automatic differentiation finite-volume simulators
ImageQuilting.jl41Fast image quilting simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
NestedSamplers.jl41Implementations of single and multi-ellipsoid nested sampling
CrystalNets.jl41A julia package for the manipulation of crystal net representations and topology
Peridynamics.jl40A Julia package for parallel peridynamics simulations
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
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