Dependency Packages
WaveguideQED.jl7Library for simulating time binned photons in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
ProxAL.jl6Proximal Augmented Lagrangian solver for solving multiperiod contingency-constrained ACOPF
GumbelSoftmax.jl6Julia implementation of the Gumbel-Softmax reparametrization trick compatible with Zygote and ForwardDiff
BlochSimulators.jl6Julia package for performing Bloch simulations within the context of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sentinel.jl6This is a Julia library for processing ESA Sentinel 2 satellite data.
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
DickeModel.jl6A toolkit for the quantum and classical Dicke model in Julia.
StridedViews.jl6A Julia package to represent strided views over a parent DenseArray
DeepCompartmentModels.jl6Package for fitting models according to the deep compartment modeling framework for pharmacometric applications.
QuEST.jl6Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit is a high performance simulator of quantum circuits, state-vectors and density matrices
SourceCodeMcCormick.jl6Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation
PolynomialGTM.jl6An unofficial implementation of publicly available approximated polynomial models for NASA's Generic Transport Model aircraft.
SMCExamples.jl6Example models for use with SequentialMonteCarlo.jl
CoupledElectricMagneticDipoles.jl6Implementation of DDA and CEMD method in julia
ActiveInference.jl5Julia Package for Active Inference
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
BaseModelica.jl5Importers for the BaseModelica standard into the Julia ModelingToolkit ecosystem
BERT.jl5This repo is for the final project for Comp541 Deep Learning class in Koc University.
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
ChowLiuTrees.jl5Learning Chow-Liu Trees from data
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
OmicsProfiles.jl5A data structure for single cell sequencing data analysis in Julia.
Population.jl5A dynamically-structured matrix population model
QXContexts.jl5Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines
QXTns.jl5Package with data structures and functions for manipulating tensor networks
RandomNoise.jl5Noise functions for Random Number Generation in Julia
SafetySignalDetection.jl5Bayesian Safety Signal Detection in Julia
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
TensorOperationsTBLIS.jl5Julia wrapper for TBLIS with TensorOperations.jl
TransportBasedInference.jl5A repository for adaptive transport maps
TrillionDollarWords.jl5A small Julia package to facilitate working with the Trillion Dollar Words dataset.
WenoNeverworld.jl4An idealized atlantic
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