Dependency Packages
GeoIO.jl21Load/save geospatial data compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
PeriLab.jl21Welcome to Peridynamic Laboratory (PeriLab), a powerful software solution designed for tackling Peridynamic problems.
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
ParameterEstimocean.jl20🎲 Parameter estimation for Oceananigans using EnsembleKalmanProcesses
Transits.jl20Flexible photometric transit curves with limb darkening
ChemfilesViewer.jl20Julia library to visualize molecules and other chemical structures
ColorSchemeTools.jl19Tools for working with color schemes, color maps, gradients
Mellan.jl19Spiral engraving effect
FlightSims.jl19A general purpose numerical simulator supporting nested dynamical systems and a convenient macro-based data logger.
WaveletsExt.jl18A Julia extension package to Wavelets.jl
MotionCaptureJointCalibration.jl18Kinematic calibration for robots using motion capture data
DrakeVisualizer.jl18Interface to the RobotLocomotion Drake Visualizer tool from Julia
Photometry.jl18Utilities for characterizing sources in astronomical images.
TurbulentWords.jl17Make turbulence with words
OVERT.jl17Relational piecewise-linear overapproximations of multi-dimensional functions
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
KrigingEstimators.jl16Kriging estimators for the GeoStats.jl framework
MeshIntegrals.jl16Numerical integration over Meshes.jl geometry domains
NighttimeLights.jl16Package to analyse VIIRS nighttime lights
AtlasRobot.jl16URDF and meshes for the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot (v5)
GIRFReco.jl16An Open-Source End-to-End Pipeline for Spiral Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Reconstruction in Julia
DeepFry.jl16Chaotic image processing tool
GeoStatsImages.jl15Training images for geostastical simulation
AgentsExampleZoo.jl15Examples written with Agents.jl
NPCFs.jl15N-Point Correlation Functions in Julia
TestParticle.jl15Test particle tracing in electromagnetic field
ROMEO.jl14Fast 3D/4D Phase Unwrapping (julia source code)
ClimaSeaIce.jl14🧊 Coupled and stand-alone simulations of sea ice for Earth system modeling
BioProfiling.jl13A flexible Julia toolkit for high-dimensional cellular profiles
BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl13The Biochemical Algorithms Library in Julia
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
ProtPlot.jl13Protein ribbon plots implemented in Julia using Makie
RigidBodyTreeInspector.jl13Simple visualization for the RigidBodyDynamics.jl library
MechanismGeometries.jl13Parsing and generation of 3D geometries for robot mechanisms in Julia
EasyABM.jl13An easy to use Julia framework for agent based modeling.
SpmImageTycoon.jl13Organize Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM, STM, AFM) Images and Spectra.
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
GeoClustering.jl12Geostatistical clustering methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
PlotShapefiles.jl12A package to plot shapefiles with Julia.
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