Dependency Packages
BSeries.jl27Computing with B-series in Julia
QuantumCollocation.jl27Quantum Optimal Control with Direct Collocation
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
KadanoffBaym.jl26Adaptive numerical solution of Kadanoff-Baym equations
NuclearToolkit.jl26NuclearToolkit.jl: Julia package for nuclear structure calculations
JustRelax.jl26Pseudo-transient accelerated iterative solvers
SNOW.jl26Optimization framework for nonlinear, gradient-based constrained, sparse optimization problems.
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
FGenerators.jl25@yield-based syntax for iterating over collections—foldl for humans™
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
MriResearchTools.jl25Specialized tools for MRI
Sound.jl25Provide `sound` & `record` functions for playing & recording audio in Julia. Also Julia version of phase vocoder.
DiffEqFinancial.jl25Differential equation problem specifications and scientific machine learning for common financial models
StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl25Stochastic delay differential equations (SDDE) solvers for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
HurdleDMR.jl24Hurdle Distributed Multinomial Regression (HDMR) implemented in Julia
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials.jl24A Julia package for working with spherical harmonic expansions
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
AbstractPPL.jl24Common types and interfaces for probabilistic programming
Tsunami.jl24Neural network training, fast and easy.
QuantumAnnealing.jl24Tools for the Simulation and Execution of Quantum Annealing Algorithms
FluxKAN.jl24An easy to use Flux implementation of the Kolmogorov Arnold Network. This is a Julia version of TorchKAN.
DescriptorSystems.jl24Manipulation of generalized state-space (descriptor) system representations using Julia
FrameFun.jl23Exploring practical possibilities of approximating functions with frames rather than with a basis
NaiveNASflux.jl23Your local Flux surgeon
IRKGaussLegendre.jl23Implicit Runge-Kutta Gauss-Legendre 16th order (Julia)
Rimu.jl23Random Integrators for many-body quantum systems
OptControl.jl23A tool to solve optimal control problem
MathML.jl23Julia MathML parser
PlantBiophysics.jl23A Julia package for computing processes related to plant ecophysiology and biophysics
SimulationLogs.jl23Signal logging and scoping for DifferentialEquations.jl simulations.
ModelingToolkitNeuralNets.jl22Symbolic-Numeric Universal Differential Equations for Automating Scientific Machine Learning (SciML)
ContinuousNormalizingFlows.jl22Implementations of Infinitesimal Continuous Normalizing Flows Algorithms in Julia
PowerPlots.jl22Functions plot PowerModels networks
EntropyHub.jl22An open-source toolkit for entropic data analysis
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