Dependency Packages
DynamicalSystemsBase.jl54Definition of dynamical systems and integrators for DynamicalSystems.jl
TropicalTensors.jl53Tropical tensor network for spin glasses
Metis.jl53Julia interface to Metis graph partitioning
POMCPOW.jl52Online solver based on Monte Carlo tree search for POMDPs with continuous state, action, and observation spaces.
CMBLensing.jl52The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.
ITensorTDVP.jl52Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) of MPS based on ITensors.jl.
TORA.jl51Trajectory Optimization for Robot Arms
EasyML.jl51A foolproof way of doing ML with GUI elements.
DaggerGPU.jl50GPU integrations for Dagger.jl
PorousMaterials.jl50Julia package towards classical molecular modeling of nanoporous materials
JosephsonCircuits.jl50Frequency domain, multi-tone harmonic balance, simulation of scattering parameters and noise in nonlinear circuits containing Josephson junctions.
MakieLayout.jl50Layouting for Makie.jl
DeepEquilibriumNetworks.jl49Implicit Layer Machine Learning via Deep Equilibrium Networks, O(1) backpropagation with accelerated convergence.
SymbolicControlSystems.jl49C-code generation and an interface between ControlSystems.jl and SymPy.jl
LogicCircuits.jl49Logic Circuits from the Juice library
SpectralClustering.jl49Spectral clustering algorithms written in Julia
MinimallyDisruptiveCurves.jl49Finds relationships between the parameters of a mathematical model
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
StatsMakie.jl48Statistical visualizations based on high performance plotting package Makie
RobustNeuralNetworks.jl48A Julia package for robust neural networks.
UNet.jl48Generic UNet implementation written in pure Julia, based on Flux.jl
DiffEqPhysics.jl48A library for building differential equations arising from physical problems for physics-informed and scientific machine learning (SciML)
OSMMakie.jl47A Makie.jl recipe for plotting OpenStreetMap data.
ImageSegmentation.jl47Partitioning images into meaningful regions
MakieGallery.jl47Documentation and Example Gallery for Makie
CompEcon.jl47Julia versions of the CompEcon routines by Miranda and Fackler.
ZXCalculus.jl47An implementation of ZX-calculus in Julia
LightOSM.jl47A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.
Dispatcher.jl46Build, distribute, and execute task graphs
SpectralDistances.jl46Measure the distance between two spectra/signals using optimal transport and related metrics
ClimaTimeSteppers.jl46A CPU- and GPU-friendly package for solving ordinary differential equations
Unfold.jl46Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, pupil ...) regression analysis in Julia
ParticleFilters.jl45Simple particle filter implementation in Julia - works with POMDPs.jl models or others.
JsonGrinder.jl45Machine learning with Mill.jl for JSON documents
ExprOptimization.jl44Algorithms for optimization of Julia expressions
ImageFeatures.jl44Image feature detection for the Julia language
MomentClosure.jl44Tools to generate and study moment equations for any chemical reaction network using various moment closure approximations
ClosedLoopReachability.jl44Reachability analysis for closed-loop control systems in Julia
NearestNeighborDescent.jl44Efficient approximate k-nearest neighbors graph construction and search in Julia
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