Dependency Packages
AbstractPDEInterfaces.jl14Ecosystem for writing partial differential equation solvers
BayesianExperiments.jl14Bayesian AB testing experiments.
MPSGE.jl14MPSGE for Julia
Metrics.jl14Metrics for evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
AutomotiveVisualization.jl14Visualize automotive simulation from AutomotiveSimulator.jl
AdaptiveFilters.jl14Classical adaptive linear filters in Julia
WaveOpticsPropagation.jl14Propagate waves efficiently, optically, physically, differentiably with Julia Lang.
PossibilisticArithmetic.jl13Julia package for performing rigorous arithmetic of Imprecise Probabilities with fuzzy numbers
ModelWrappers.jl13ModelWrappers.jl is a utility package that makes it easier to work with Model parameters stated as (nested) NamedTuples.
SmoothLocalProjections.jl13Julia implementation of Smooth Local Projections (SLP)
TidierCats.jl13Tidier analysis of categorical variables, modeled after the forcats R package.
ThreeBodyProblem.jl13An astrodynamics package for working in the three body problem
MechanismGeometries.jl13Parsing and generation of 3D geometries for robot mechanisms in Julia
DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl13Package Information and Documentation
StructuralDynamicsODESolvers.jl13Numerical integration methods for structural dynamics problems
GCIdentifier.jl13Tools to perform group contribution (GC) identification, given the SMILES of a compound
VIDA.jl13EHT Image domain analysis through template matching.
ABCDMatrixOptics.jl13Implementation fo ray transfer matrix analysis for optical beams
SpmImageTycoon.jl13Organize Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM, STM, AFM) Images and Spectra.
DiscreteChoiceModels.jl13Discrete choice/random utility models in Julia
GraphMatFun.jl13Computation graphs for matrix functions
GroupedErrors.jl13Population data analysis in Julia
TreeRecipe.jl13Plot recipe for plotting (decision) trees
SeeToDee.jl13A small step for dynamics, a giant leap for SciML
RigidBodyTreeInspector.jl13Simple visualization for the RigidBodyDynamics.jl library
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
CategoricalDistributions.jl13Providing probability distributions and non-negative measures over finite sets, whose elements are labelled.
ProtPlot.jl13Protein ribbon plots implemented in Julia using Makie
GraphMLDatasets.jl13A library for machine learning datasets on graph
GModelFit.jl13A data-driven model fitting framework
ProToPortal.jl13ProToPortal: The Portal to the Magic of PromptingTools and Julia-first LLM Coding
CompositionalNetworks.jl13A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
Hydro.jl13A modular hydrodynamic code written in pure Julia
QuranTree.jl13A Julia package for working with the Quranic Arabic Corpus.
FinancialDSL.jl13DSL for Financial Contracts.
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