Dependency Packages
KitBase.jl9Lightweight module of physical formulations in Kinetic.jl
NeuralDynamics.jl9This package contains a convenient analysis and visualization pipeline for simple dynamical models of neurons and networks of neurons.
ExponentialFamilyProjection.jl9A library to project an arbitrary function to an exponential family member distribution with the manifold optimization
KernelInterpolation.jl9Multivariate (generalized) scattered data interpolation with symmetric (conditionally) positive definite kernel functions in arbitrary dimension
ExTinyMD.jl9This is a simple MD program.
LightPropagation.jl9Modeling light transport in turbid media
FletcherPenaltySolver.jl9Fletcher's penalty method for nonlinear optimization models
MixedModelsMakie.jl9Plotting functionality for MixedModels.jl implemented in Makie
MLJGLMInterface.jl9MLJ.jl interface for GLM.jl models
MLJJLBoost.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
ConstrainedControl.jl9Control for rigid body dynamical systems in maximal coordinates
SimplePosets.jl9Simple partially ordered sets for Julia
PostgresCatalog.jl9Julia library for introspecting Postgres databases
SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.jl9A straightforward interface to the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
SUNRepresentations.jl9A Julia package for computing SU(N) Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients.
Vcov.jl9Variance Covariance Matrices for developers
SymPyPythonCall.jl9SymPy with PythonCall backend (not PyCall)
StandardizedPredictors.jl9Standardized regression predictors for use with StatsModels.jl (centered, z-scored, etc.)
SpinWaveTheory.jl9Julia package for the spin wave theory of magnetically ordered quantum spin systems.
SpiderMonkey.jl9A Julia package for Spider Monkey Optimization.
SphericalFunctions.jl9Spherical functions of arbitrary float types
TimeProbeSeismic.jl9Memory efficient seismic inversion via trace estimation
Xicor.jl9An implementation of the Xi Correlation coefficient and hypothesis test as originally described by Chatterjee (2021).
YahooFinance.jl9Download Yahoo Finance market data in Julia.
YaoExtensions.jl9Useful extensions for Yao
VortexDistributions.jl8Fast accurate creation, detection and analysis of quantum vortex distributions.
TextSearch.jl8Searching methods and models for textual data; it was designed to work with SimilaritySearch.jl
TopOptProblems.jl8A collection of standard topology optimisation problems.
WaterWaves1D.jl8Water wave models in one dimension
WRDSMerger.jl8A Julia package for downloading, merging, and using CRSP and Compustat data from the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
WGPUgfx.jl8WGPU graphics library julia
Tracking.jl8Modular tracking algorithm for various GNSS Systems
StatisticalMeasuresBase.jl8A Julia package for building production-ready measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning
VersatileHDPMixtureModels.jl8Code for our UAI '20 paper "Scalable and Flexible Clustering of Grouped Data via Parallel and Distributed Sampling in Versatile Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes"
WiSER.jl8Within-subject variance estimation by robust regression (WiSER)
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