Dependency Packages
EdgeCameras.jl5Julia implementation of Bouman et al.'s edge camera algorithm
FiniteHorizonPOMDPs.jl5POMDPs.jl-compatible interface for defining MDPs and POMDPs with finite horizons
FMIBase.jl5FMIBase.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMIImport.jl and FMIExport.jl.
FreezeCurves.jl5Implementations of (soil) freezing characteristic curves, along with helpful tools for their optimization and inference, in Julia.
FSimZoo.jl5Predefined environments and controllers for FlightSims.jl
GPLinearODEMaker.jl5Multivariate, linear combinations of GPs and their derivatives
GridArrays.jl5GridArrays associates an array of grid points with a domain
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
LanguageDetect.jl5Port of Google's language-detection library to Julia.
MinimumVolumeEllipsoids.jl5Calculation and uniform sampling of minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoids
ModelicaScriptingTools.jl5MOdelica Scripting Tools - scripts that help to interact with modelica models through OMJulia and OMPython
MoM_MPI.jl5MPI based parallel for method of moments (MoM) and MLFMA (
NESSie.jl5Nonlocal Electrostatics in Structured Solvents
OmicsProfiles.jl5A data structure for single cell sequencing data analysis in Julia.
ParetoRecipes.jl5Pareto-related recipes to be used with Plots.jl
PointPatterns.jl5Point patterns for the GeoStats.jl framework
PolyaGammaDistribution.jl5Pólya-Gamma distribution for Distributions.jl interface
QEDbase.jl5[WIP] Base types and interfaces for QED.jl
RadiationDetectorSignals.jl5Data types for signals of radiation detectors
RegularizedProblems.jl5Test Cases for Regularized Optimization
RiskMeasures.jl5Julia code for computing monetary measures of risk, coherent or not
SpeedDate.jl5Estimation of coalescence times between sequences.
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
SurvivalDistributions.jl5A few extra distributions used in survival analysis
SymPyCore.jl5Package to help connect Julia with the SymPy library of Python
TheCannon.jl5Implementation of The Cannon (Ness+ '15), a data-driven model for stellar spectra
TrajectoryGamesExamples.jl5Example environments and tools for the TrajectoryGamesBase interface.
ZeroInflatedDistributions.jl5More zeros than you can shake a stick at
AltDistributions.jl5Implementations for some distributions using a consistent API and AD-friendly code.
AstroIO.jl5I/O interface for astrophysical simulation codes
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
Batsrus.jl5BATSRUS/SWMF Data Processor
BLASBenchmarksCPU.jl5Benchmark BLAS Libraries
DDEBifurcationKit.jl5Numerical bifurcation analysis for delay differential equations
DecomposingPolynomialSystems.jl5DecomposingPolynomialSystems.jl is a Julia package that decomposes (simplifies) a given polynomial system using tools from numerical algebraic geometry.
DeterminantalPointProcesses.jl5Determinantal Point Processes for Julia
DynamicGridsInteract.jl5An iteractive DynamicGrids.jl UI for Jupyter, atom, desktop and the web.
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