Dependency Packages
LassoPlot.jl2Plots regularization paths generated by Lasso.jl
AtmosphericDeposition.jl2Models of atmospheric deposition using ModelingToolkit.jl
GaussianMixtureAlignment.jl2Julia implementation of the Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment algorithm (Campbel 2016)
LinearCovarianceModels.jl2Compute MLEs for linear covariance models
LinComs.jl2Linear combinations of parameters
ARMANets.jl2An implementation of ARMA convolutional layers in Julia.
FiniteSizeScaling.jl2FiniteSizeScaling.jl: A Julia data analysis package for finding optimized values of phase transition parameters and critical exponents.
ILMPostProcessing.jl2Tools for post-processing solutions of immersed layer PDEs
SpatialAccessTrees.jl2Spatial access trees
SpatialDatasets.jl2A Julia package containing popular spatial datasets for spatial data analysis
ImageAxes.jl2Julia package for giving "meaning" to the axes of an image
EquationsSolver.jl2A user-friendly tool to solve linear equations and nonlinear equations.
ApproximateComputations.jl2A library of tools to allow function synthesis for approximate computations
ApproximateBayesianComputing.jl2Approximate Bayesian Computing with Julia
SpeciesToNetworks.jl2SpeciesToNetworks. jl is a tool to convert species abundance data into undirected network, the basic principle of the tool is to judge whether there is a connection according to the Spearman or Pearson.
SpecTools.jl2Library for performing spectroscopic analysis in Julia
ApproxFunRational.jl2Support for rational bases in ApproxFun
IsotopeTableDF.jl2The package provides the DataFrame with data on Isotopes.
SpectralGaussianSimulation.jl2Spectral Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
SPEFiles.jl2A library to use Lightfield SPE files in Julia.
SphereUDE.jl2A Julia package for regression in the sphere based on Universal Differential Equations
EclipsingBinaryStars.jl2Provides an eclipsing binary type as well as functions that compute eclipsing binary parameters
OndaBatches.jl2Local and distributed batch loading for Onda datasets
AbstractGPsMakie.jl2Plots of Gaussian processes with AbstractGPs and Makie
EEGToolkit.jl2A Julia package for computational EEG analysis with a focus on sleep neuroscience
ODEConvergenceTester.jl2A simple package for reporting temporal convergence tests for OrdinaryDiffEq.jl's integrator object.
DiffusionDefinition.jl2Structured way of defining diffusion processes
OceanographyCruises.jl2Types and interface for oceanographic cruise data (originally designed for AIBECS.jl)
Earth.jl2Earth (multivariate adaptive regression splines) for Julia
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