Dependency Packages
BayesFlux.jl6Bayesian addition to Flux.jl
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
KaTeX.jl6Julia package to work with KaTeX
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
RankCompV3.jl5The RankCompV3 package is based on the julia.
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
CDGRNs.jl5Official Implementation of Context-Dependent Gene Regulatory Networks (CDGRNs)
LeafGasExchange.jl5🍃 coupled leaf gas-exchange model
DynamicGridsInteract.jl5An iteractive DynamicGrids.jl UI for Jupyter, atom, desktop and the web.
Revealables.jl5Allow Markdown to be hidden and revealed in Jupyter
FishTank.jl4FishTank.jl creates an e-fish for you in case you feel lonely when you are coding.
SnowyOwl.jl4A single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis toolkit in Julia.
DiscretePersistentHomologyTransform.jl4Implementation of the Persistent Homology Transform
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
CMPlot.jl4Cloudy Mountain Plot function in Julia
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
GoogleScholar.jl4A light-weight Julia package to read and plot Google Scholar citation information
AntennaPattern.jl3Antenna data import and processing.
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
EasyPlotting.jl3Graphical/statistical plotting GUI package for quick data visualisation and exploration.
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
Dyn3d.jl32d/3d rigid body dynamics solver
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
KeplerGL.jl3Geospatial Visualization in Julia via
StatisticalRethinkingPlots.jl2Plots based plotting functions for StatisticalRethinking
LassoPlot.jl2Plots regularization paths generated by Lasso.jl
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
RadiationPatterns.jl2RadiationPatterns.jl is a Julia package designed for visualizing radiation patterns using PlotlyJS.jl.
RetentionParameterEstimator.jl2Estimation of thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of analytes with a stationary phase in GC.
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
DegreesOfFreedom.jl2Julia package for "Degrees of Freedom: Search Cost and Self-consistency"
Tachyons.jl2A wrapper for Tachyons CSS framework
TopologyPreprocessing.jl2Julia module for topology preprocessing of images and videos
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