Dependency Packages
AbstractTrees.jl178Abstract julia interfaces for working with trees
BioGenerics.jl10Generic methods, types and modules for the BioJulia ecosystem.
BitFlags.jl12BitFlag.jl provides an Enum-like type for bit flag option values.
CodecZlib.jl46Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
CodeTracking.jl113It's editing-time, do you know where your methods are?
Colors.jl182Color manipulation utilities for Julia
ColorTypes.jl69Basic color definitions and traits
Compat.jl129Compatibility across Julia versions
ConcurrentUtilities.jl9Utilities for doing multithreaded or distributed work in Julia
Crayons.jl126Colored and styled strings for terminals.
CSV.jl405Utility library for working with CSV and other delimited files in the Julia programming language
Cthulhu.jl456The slow descent into madness
DataAPI.jl30A data-focused namespace for packages to share functions
DataFrames.jl1593In-memory tabular data in Julia
DataStructures.jl616Julia implementation of Data structures
FileIO.jl192Main Package for IO, loading all different kind of files
FilePathsBase.jl74Filesystem path types in julia
FixedPointNumbers.jl65Fixed point types for julia
FlameGraphs.jl49Analysis of profiling data using trees
FoldingTrees.jl19Dynamic tree structure with control over the accessibility of node children
Formatting.jl127A Julia package to provide Python-like formatting support
GenomicFeatures.jl27Tools for genomic features in Julia.
HTTP.jl592HTTP for Julia
IndirectArrays.jl18Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
InlineStrings.jl35Fixed-width string types for Julia
IntervalTrees.jl40A data structure for efficient manipulation of sets of intervals
InvertedIndices.jl75A simple index type that allows for inverted selections
IteratorInterfaceExtensions.jl11Traits for julia iterators
JET.jl571An experimental code analyzer for Julia. No need for additional type annotations.
JuliaInterpreter.jl149Interpreter for Julia code
JuliaSyntax.jl218A Julia frontend, written in Julia
LaTeXStrings.jl184Convenient input and display of LaTeX equation strings for the Julia language
LeftChildRightSiblingTrees.jl14Memory-efficient representation of a tree with arbitrary number of children/node
LightXML.jl79A light-weight Julia package for XML based on libxml2.
LoggingExtras.jl122Composable Loggers for the Julia Logging StdLib
LoweredCodeUtils.jl18Tools for manipulating Julia's lowered code
MacroTools.jl281MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
MbedTLS.jl35Wrapper around mbedtls
Memoization.jl73Easily and efficiently memoize any function, closure, or callable object in Julia.
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