10 Packages since 2017
User Packages
ConfigurationsENV.jl0Read Configurations.jl from ENV
Continuables.jl36Extremely fast generator-like alternative to Julia Channels
ExprParsers.jl7Parse common Expr patterns. Speed up the process of defining stable macros.
IsDef.jl19Maintainable type inference
JuliaScript.jl77Finally fast julia scripts
NotMacro.jl7Use `@not` instead of `!`
ProxyInterfaces.jl5Simple macros to define Proxy types for dicts arrays and others
SimpleMatch.jl3Local case matching made super intuitive
StructEquality.jl23Equality for struct types as you would expect it
WhereTraits.jl85Traits for julia: dispatch on whatever you want using where syntax
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