Mathematics Packages
Seep.jl20Seep.jl: a tensor flow like library for Julia
ArrayViews.jl19A Julia package to explore a new system of array views
Leibniz.jl19Tensor algebra utility library
MD5.jl19A performant, 100% native-julia MD5 implementation
IndirectArrays.jl19Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
SuffixArrays.jl19Native Julia suffix array implementation; Derived from sais
SparseGrids.jl18Sparse grid quadrature in Julia
RobustShortestPath.jl18Julia package for finding robust shortest paths
NLreg.jl18Nonlinear regression in Julia
Cartesian.jl18Fast multidimensional algorithms
Fdtd.jl173D Room Acoustics Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Simulator
Estimation.jl17A julialang package for DSP related estimation
OEIS.jl17A basic wrapper to allow access to OEIS from within Julia.
Multirate.jl17Streaming polyphase DSP filters with sample rate conversion.
RomanNumerals.jl16Support for Roman numerals in Julia
CLFFT.jl16Julia bindings for AMD's clFFT library
MinimalPerfectHashes.jl16An implementation of minimal perfect hash function generation as described in Czech et. al. 1992.
SNAPDatasets.jl16LightGraphs.jl-formatted graph files taken from the SNAP Datasets collection.
Dendriform.jl16Dendriform di-algebra algorithms to compute using Loday's arithmetic on groves of planar binary trees
SimpleValueGraphs.jl16A LightGraphs.jl compatible graph package for graphs with multiple vertex, edge and graph metadata.
VegaGraphs.jl16Create beatiful and interactive visualizations for graphs using Vega-Lite
AMVW.jl15Fast and backward stable computation of roots of polynomials in Julia
FEMBasis.jl14FEMBasis contains interpolation routines for finite element function spaces. Given ansatz and coordinates of domain, shape functions are calculated symbolically in a very general way to get efficient code. Shape functions can also be given directly and in that case partial derivatives are calculated automatically.
LRSLib.jl14Lrs wrapper module for Julia
PlayingCards.jl14A package for representing playing cards for card games.
CommunityDetection.jl14Community Detection algorithms for LightGraphs
MultiPoly.jl14Sparse multivariate polynomials in Julia
SortFilters.jl13Fast moving quantile filters that sort data within moving window
Measures.jl13Unified measure and coordinates types
TriangleIntersect.jl13Fast ray-triangle intersections for raytracing
ZChop.jl13Replace small numbers with zero
ArrayMeta.jl13Metaprogramming for Julia arrays
BasisFunctions.jl13A collection of methods for manipulating various well-known types of basis functions and recombining them into more general dictionaries
Vec.jl132D and 3D vectors and their operations for Julia
MTH229.jl13Helper files for using `Julia` with MTH229.
NumericFuns.jl13Math functions and functors for numerical computations
NumericFunctors.jl13Math functions and functors for numerical computations
ConvexHull.jl13A Julia library for polyhedral computations
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