Matrix Theory Packages
Pseudospectra.jl24Julia package for matrix pseudospectra and related quantities
QuasiArrays.jl12A package for representing quasi-arrays
RangeArrays.jl4Efficient and convenient array data structures where the columns of the arrays are generated (on the fly) by Ranges.
Ranges.jl2Additional range syntax for Julia
RecursiveArrayTools.jl212Tools for easily handling objects like arrays of arrays and deeper nestings in scientific machine learning (SciML) and other applications
RingArrays.jl3A sliding window over a huge array.
Rotations.jl176Julia implementations for different rotation parameterizations
ShiftedArrays.jl50Lazy shifted arrays for data analysis in Julia
Showoff.jl8Nicely format an array of n things for tables and plots
SoArrays.jl48Structures of Arrays that behave like Arrays of Structures
StaticArrays.jl761Statically sized arrays for Julia
StrideArrays.jl54Library supporting the ArrayInterface.jl strided array interface.
Strided.jl147A Julia package for strided array views and efficient manipulations thereof
StructArrays.jl319Efficient implementation of struct arrays in Julia
StructsOfArrays.jl48Structures of Arrays that behave like Arrays of Structures
SuffixArrays.jl19Native Julia suffix array implementation; Derived from sais
SymDict.jl3Dictionaries with Symbol keys.
TimeArrays.jl29TimeArrays simplifies working with time series data. It offers features like basic math operations, sliding window techniques, data resampling, and handling of missing values
WoodburyMatrices.jl23Support for the Woodbury matrix identity for Julia
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