Matrix Theory Packages
ArrayInterface.jl125Designs for new Base array interface primitives, used widely through scientific machine learning (SciML) and other organizations
ArrayIteration.jl20Testing new ideas for array iteration
ArrayMeta.jl13Metaprogramming for Julia arrays
ArraysOfArrays.jl37Efficient storage and handling of nested arrays in Julia
ArrayViews.jl19A Julia package to explore a new system of array views
ArrayViewsAPL.jl2Generic array-view type with APL indexing semantics
AxisAlgorithms.jl8Efficient filtering and linear algebra routines for multidimensional arrays
AxisArrays.jl183Performant arrays where each dimension can have a named axis with values
BandedMatrices.jl129A Julia package for representing banded matrices
BlockBandedMatrices.jl56A Julia package for representing block-banded matrices and banded-block-banded matrices
BlockDiagonals.jl44Functionality for working efficiently with block diagonal matrices.
CategoricalArrays.jl118Arrays for working with categorical data (both nominal and ordinal)
CatIndices.jl4Julia package for indices-aware array concatenation and growth
ChunkedArrays.jl3ChunkedArrays.jl is a package for increasing the performance of arrays generated iteratively
ConvolutionTools.jl3Tools for convolutions of multi-dimensional arrays in Julia.
CovarianceEstimation.jl34Lightweight robust covariance estimation in Julia
EndpointRanges.jl24Julia package for doing arithmetic on endpoints in array indexing
FArrayMod.jl0This package is deprecated for modern and up-to-date see
GemmKernels.jl55Flexible and performant GEMM kernels in Julia
HMat.jl7Hierarchical Matrix in Julia and Matlab
ImmutableArrays.jl21Statically-sized immutable vectors and matrices.
IndexedArrays.jl21Vectors of unique elements, with quick reverse lookups
IndirectArrays.jl18Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
InfiniteArrays.jl67A Julia package for representing infinite-dimensional arrays
InplaceOps.jl54Convenient macros for in-place matrix operations in Julia
JudyDicts.jl4Judy Array for Julia
Kronecker.jl74A general-purpose toolbox for efficient Kronecker-based algebra.
KSVD.jl7K-SVD in Julia
LabelledArrays.jl107Arrays which also have a label for each element for easy scientific machine learning (SciML)
LargeColumns.jl4Handle large columns (vectors of equal length) with bits types in Julia using mmap.
LazyArrays.jl252Lazy arrays and linear algebra in Julia
MappedArrays.jl76Lazy in-place transformations of arrays
MatrixDepot.jl70An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia
MatrixEquations.jl68Solution of Lyapunov, Sylvester and Riccati matrix equations using Julia
MultiScaleArrays.jl64A framework for developing multi-scale arrays for use in scientific machine learning (SciML) simulations
NamedArrays.jl113Julia type that implements a drop-in replacement of Array with named dimensions
NamedAxesArrays.jl5Performant arrays where each axis can be named
NamedTuples.jl30[DEPRECATED] NamedTuples.jl
NonuniformArray.jl1Ragged arrays in Julia
PaddedViews.jl42Add virtual padding to the edges of an array
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