
Work with multiple models of a text corpus.
Author neelsmith
0 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
September 2021



A Julia module to work with multiple models of a text corpus.

See the documentation.

Current focus

The current focus of work on this module is to profile a citable corpus. This includes measuring:

Size of corpus, coverage of analysis

  • total number of lexical tokens in corpus (size of corpus)
  • number of distinct lexical tokens in corpus (and ratio to total size) (the token vocabulary)
  • number (and proportion) of lexical tokens parsed by analyzer (coverage of corpus)
  • number (and proportion) of distinct lexical tokens parsed by analyzer (coverage of token vocabulary)

Size of lexicon, formal and lexical complexity

  • number of lexemes recognized (lexicon of the corpus)
  • proportion of lexemes to total tokens parsed (lexical density or complexity of the corpus)
  • proportion of lexemes to distinct tokens parsed (lexical density or complexity of token vocabulary)
  • number of distinct forms related to lexemes, distinct tokens, and total tokens (morphological complexity of lexicon, token vocabulary and corpus)
  • number (proportion) of total tokens that are morphologically ambiguous by token vocabulary and corpus (formal ambiguity of token vocabulary and corpus)
  • number (proportion) of total tokens that are lexically ambiguous by token vocabulary and corpus (lexical ambiguity of token vocabulary and corpus)