Dependency Packages
SkeelBerzins.jl15Solver for 1D nonlinear partial differential equations in Julia based on the collocation method of Skeel and Berzins and providing an API similar to MATLAB's pdepe
BoxCoxTrans.jl15Box Cox transformation in Julia
AgentsExampleZoo.jl15Examples written with Agents.jl
Slack.jl15A (UNOFFICIAL) wrapper of the SlackAPI in Julia
LinearFitXYerrors.jl15Linear Regression with errors in both X and Y, correlated or not, confidence intervals and plots.
Umbrella.jl15A Simple Authentication plugin for any Web Frameworks in Julia
TestParticle.jl15Test particle tracing in electromagnetic field
GeoStatsImages.jl15Training images for geostastical simulation
Hive.jl15Hive, Spark SQL, Impala client. Based on Thrift and HiveServer2 protocol.
GeoDatasets.jl15Common geographic data sets
SimulationBasedInference.jl15A flexible toolkit for simulation based inference in Julia
GenomicMaps.jl15Julia package for visualising genomic data
ControlSystemsMTK.jl15Interface between ControlSystems and ModelingToolkit
Atomistic.jl15Package that provides a integrated Julia workflow for molecular dyanmics simulations.
AbstractLogic.jl15An Abstract Reasoning Logic Interface
Binscatters.jl15Stata's Binscatter for Julia
Fortuna.jl15A general-purpose Julia package for structural and system reliability analysis.
Spotify.jl15A Julia wrapper for the Spotify API
NPCFs.jl15N-Point Correlation Functions in Julia
SignalAlignment.jl15Align signals to each other
OnlinePortfolioSelection.jl15This package offers both traditional benchmark and newly developed Online Portfolio Selection (OPS) algorithms implementation.
FastPolynomialRoots.jl15Fast and backward stable computation of roots of polynomials in Julia
Cloudy.jl15:cloud_with_rain: Multi-moment cloud microphysics toy model
FactoredValueMCTS.jl15Scalable MCTS for team scenarios
ClimaSeaIce.jl14🧊 Coupled and stand-alone simulations of sea ice for Earth system modeling
InferenceObjects.jl14Storage for results of Bayesian inference
ReducedBasis.jl14Reduced basis methods for parametrised eigenproblems
Elfel.jl14Extensible library for finite element programming
RefractiveIndex.jl14Interface to
Chron.jl14A model framework for the interpretation of mineral age spectra in stratigraphic context
ChemEquations.jl14Write and balance chemical equations elegantly and efficiently.
WaterFlows.jl14Julia package for hydrological modelling
RayTracing.jl14High performance cyclic ray tracing algorithm for neutron transport in Julia.
DynamicMovementPrimitives.jl14Learning Dynamic Movement Primitives in Julia
LRSLib.jl14Lrs wrapper module for Julia
OptimizationBase.jl14The base package for Optimization.jl, containing the structs and basic functions for it.
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