Dependency Packages
CBLS.jl4A MOI/JuMP interface for `LocalSearchSolvers.jl`, a Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) framework
Biofilm.jl4This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
MultiStateSystems.jl4A Julia package to solve multi-state system models, often found in reliability engineering.
Jadex.jl4High-performance Julia re-implementation of RADEX
ParticleCorrelations.jl4A package to calculate typical pair correlations, such as Percus-Yevick, and to calculate specific particle configurations from a given pair correlation.
Aurora.jl4Empirical Bayes mean estimation with nonparametric errors via order statistic regression in Julia (
QuadraticAssignmentProblem.jl4Algorithms for solving the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) implemented in Julia.
SimplexGridFactory.jl4Convenience interfaces to Triangulate.jl and TetGen.jl
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
QuantReg.jl4An implementation of quantile regression for Julia modeled after the R quantreg package.
KeyedDistributions.jl4Distributions and Sampleables with keys for the variates
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
EBayes.jl4Empirical Bayes shrinkage in Julia
AgentsPlots.jl4Plotting functionality for Agents.jl - Agent-Based Modelling in Julia
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
AzManagers.jl4Julia cluster manager for Azure scale sets. Part of the COFII framework.
SpectralEnvelope.jl4Method to study the cyclic and spectral properties of categorical time-series.
PowerAnalytics.jl4Analytic routines for power system simulation results in the Sienna ecosystem
SodShockTube.jl4A pure-julia Sod shock tube problem
MetaImageFormat.jl4Support for reading MetaImage files in Julia
HydroRefStations.jl4A web client for the Hydrologic Reference Stations of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
MetaPhylo.jl4Phylogenetic trees with metadata by Julia based on Graphs.jl and AbstractTrees.jl.
MetapopulationDynamics.jl4Population dynamics across space, in Julia.
MarketDataFeeds.jl4A lightweight interface to a range of financial data feeds (featuring, IBKR API).
AndorSIF.jl4Read Andor SIF file in Julia
NLIDatasets.jl4Julia interface to datasets for natural language inference
AutomationLabsIdentification.jl4Dynamical systems identification
Reproject.jl4Julia-based Astronomical image reprojection
GHCNData.jl4Helps access the Global Historical Climatological Network's daily data
QuadratureRules.jl4A Collection of Quadrature Rules in Julia
AgnosticBayesEnsemble.jl4This Package comprises a collection of ensemble algorithms for prediction, in order to improve the predictive performance for classification and regression problems.
CMPlot.jl4Cloudy Mountain Plot function in Julia
SlidingDistancesBase.jl4Defines distance_profile and utilities
InfiniteRandomArrays.jl4Infinite random arrays in Julia.
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