Dependency Packages
HomogeneityTestBBU.jl0Package that implement Bugni, Bunting and Ura (2023)
CloudEvents.jl0Julia SDK for
PlotSeis.jl0PlotSeis.jl is a set of visualization tools for SeisIO.jl
PlotPWM.jl0Plot position weight matrices (PWM)
PlotPlants.jl0Yujie's customized plotting utilities
BenchmarkEnvironments.jl0Standard environments for benchmarking the performance of RL algorithms.
MKLOneClassSVM.jl0A Julia package for multiple kernel learning based one-class support vector machine.
MPISphericalHarmonics.jl0Julia package for handling measured data for spherical t-designs.
ExaFMMt.jl0A Julia wrapper for the exafmm-t C++ package.
AsymptoticNumericalMethod.jl0Implementation of Asymptotic Numerical Method
PlasmoPlots.jl0Plotting functions for Plasmo.jl
RoomAcoustics.jl0Julia package for room acoustic modeling. It's a mirror just to carry out package registration in Julia's General registry.
Druid.jl0Apache Druid querying library for Julia
CoNCMOR.jl0Library for constructing transformation matrices for Coherent Node Cluster model-order reduction for use with FinEtools.jl
EditionBuilders.jl0A Julia package to build specified editions from multivalent XML sources.
ParticleHolography.jl0ParticleHolography.jl: Holographic particle measurement in Julia.
HapLink.jl0Viral haplotype calling by linkage disequilibrium
RTableTools.jl0Tidy data.table in Julia
EditorsRepo.jl0A Julia module for working with an editorial repository organized following HCMID conventions.
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
FittedItemBanks.jl0This module provides abstract and concrete fitted item banks, e.g. from fitting an IRT model
RvSpectMLPlots.jl0Plotting functions/scripts for use with RvSpectML
BHAtp.jl0FEM approach to estimate Bottom Hole Assembly building and dropping rates (aka "theoretical performance" under the "relaxed state" assumption).
HighVoronoi.jl0A Julia Package for high performing parallelized computation of high dimensional Voronoi Meshes and Finite Volume problems
PlantViz.jl0Visualization of 3D meshes
AnimalBreedingTools.jl0Some functions useful for small computations
GenieCacheFileCache.jl0File system cache adapter for GenieCache.jl
Sainsc.jl0Segmentation-free analysis of in situ capture data
Anthropic.jl0Little extension for the to have streaming
PlantRayTracer.jl0Ray tracing of 3D meshes (not for visualization)
DFWannier.jl0All wannier related calculations, manipulations and visualizations.
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
NaiveDESPOT.jl0Trying something based on DESPOT
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