Dependency Packages
Turing.jl2026Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
MLJ.jl1779A Julia machine learning framework
ModelingToolkit.jl1410An acausal modeling framework for automatically parallelized scientific machine learning (SciML) in Julia. A computer algebra system for integrated symbolics for physics-informed machine learning and automated transformations of differential equations
Symbolics.jl1353Symbolic programming for the next generation of numerical software
NeuralPDE.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
DSGE.jl864Solve and estimate Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models (including the New York Fed DSGE)
DynamicalSystems.jl834Award winning software library for nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear timeseries analysis
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
Optimization.jl712Mathematical Optimization in Julia. Local, global, gradient-based and derivative-free. Linear, Quadratic, Convex, Mixed-Integer, and Nonlinear Optimization in one simple, fast, and differentiable interface.
Gridap.jl691Grid-based approximation of partial differential equations in Julia
Catlab.jl606A framework for applied category theory in the Julia language
ApproxFun.jl537Julia package for function approximation
SymbolicUtils.jl537Symbolic expressions, rewriting and simplification
QuantumOptics.jl528Library for the numerical simulation of closed as well as open quantum systems.
GeoStats.jl506An extensible framework for geospatial data science and geostatistical modeling fully written in Julia
Grassmann.jl464⟨Grassmann-Clifford-Hodge⟩ multilinear differential geometric algebra
DiffEqBiological.jl455Chemical reaction network and systems biology interface for scientific machine learning (SciML). High performance, GPU-parallelized, and O(1) solvers in open source software.
Catalyst.jl455Chemical reaction network and systems biology interface for scientific machine learning (SciML). High performance, GPU-parallelized, and O(1) solvers in open source software.
ClimateMachine.jl451Climate Machine: an Earth System Model that automatically learns from data
Diffractor.jl432Next-generation AD
Soss.jl414Probabilistic programming via source rewriting
DataDrivenDiffEq.jl405Data driven modeling and automated discovery of dynamical systems for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
Molly.jl389Molecular simulation in Julia
StatisticalRethinking.jl386Julia package with selected functions in the R package `rethinking`. Used in the SR2... projects.
HypothesisTests.jl296Hypothesis tests for Julia
GenX.jl267GenX: a configurable power system capacity expansion model for studying low-carbon energy futures. More details at :
Bio.jl261[DEPRECATED] Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Infrastructure for Julia
RxInfer.jl260Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing
Metaheuristics.jl253High-performance metaheuristics for optimization coded purely in Julia.
Alpine.jl245A Julia/JuMP-based Global Optimization Solver for Non-convex Programs
FixedEffectModels.jl225Fast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables
Integrals.jl225A common interface for quadrature and numerical integration for the SciML scientific machine learning organization
Stan.jl211Stan.jl illustrates the usage of the 'single method' packages, e.g. StanSample, StanOptimize, etc.
BAT.jl198A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
VoronoiFVM.jl194Solution of nonlinear multiphysics partial differential equation systems using the Voronoi finite volume method
Coluna.jl193Branch-and-Price-and-Cut in Julia
CausalInference.jl189Causal inference, graphical models and structure learning in Julia
ChaosTools.jl187Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
HomotopyContinuation.jl181A Julia package for solving systems of polynomials via homotopy continuation.
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