Dependency Packages
NLSolvers.jl27No bells and whistles foundation of Optim.jl
GoogleSheets.jl27Julia package for working with Google Sheets
BSeries.jl27Computing with B-series in Julia
PhysOcean.jl27Utility functions for physical oceanography (properties of seawater, air-sea heat fluxes,...)
BifurcationInference.jl27Learning state-space targets in dynamical systems
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
ToQUBO.jl27🟦 JuMP ToQUBO Automatic Reformulation
QuantumCollocation.jl27Quantum Optimal Control with Direct Collocation
BayesianLinearRegression.jl27A Julia implementation of Bayesian linear regression using marginal likelihood for hyperparameter optimization, as presented in Chris Bishop's book.
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
AlgamesDriving.jl26A set of tools to quickly generate and visualize autonomous driving scenarios for Algames.jl.
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
Muon.jl26Muon for Julia
PenaltyFunctions.jl26Julia package of regularization functions for machine learning
DelayEmbeddings.jl26Delay coordinates embeddings and optimizing them
VectorizedRoutines.jl26Familiar vectorized routines from R/Python/MATLAB, plus some more.
GeoStatsBase.jl26Base package for the GeoStats.jl framework
BSplines.jl26A Julia package for working with B-splines
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
WorldBankData.jl26Access to World Bank data for Julia
JustRelax.jl26Pseudo-transient accelerated iterative solvers
PolaronMobility.jl26Feynman's variational path-integral model for the Fröhlich polaron. Calculates temperature dependent polaron mobilities, and other polaron observables.
Wannier.jl26A playground for Wannier functions
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
OMEinsumContractionOrders.jl26Tensor network contraction order optimizers for OMEinsum
TopoPlots.jl26Makie topo plot recipes, for neuro-science, geo plots and anyone needing surface plots from unstructured data
SkyCoords.jl26Astronomical coordinate systems in Julia
ClimaOcean.jl26🌎 Tools for realistic regional-to-global ocean simulations, and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce. Basis for the ocean and sea-ice component of CliMA's Earth system model.
KadanoffBaym.jl26Adaptive numerical solution of Kadanoff-Baym equations
MarkdownTables.jl26Lightweigth package to print a table that implements the Tables.jl interface in Markdown.
NuclearToolkit.jl26NuclearToolkit.jl: Julia package for nuclear structure calculations
MHLib.jl26MHLib.jl - A Toolbox for Metaheuristics and Hybrid Optimization Methods in Julia
Sqlite3Stats.jl26Injecting statistical functions into any SQLite database in Julia
PowerFlowData.jl25Parser of PSS/E-format Power Flow Raw Data Files (.raw)
Photon.jl25Deep Learning made easy and fast
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