Dependency Packages
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
EvoTrees.jl175Boosted trees in Julia
PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl173Julia package to run Dynamic Power System simulations. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
SeaPearl.jl168Julia hybrid constraint programming solver enhanced by a reinforcement learning driven search.
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
Omega.jl162Causal, Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programming
RDatasets.jl160Julia package for loading many of the data sets available in R
PhyloNetworks.jl155A Julia package for statistical inference, data manipulation and visualization of phylogenetic networks
GeophysicalFlows.jl153Geophysical fluid dynamics pseudospectral solvers with Julia and FourierFlows.jl.
Queryverse.jl153A meta package for data science in julia
InvertibleNetworks.jl149A Julia framework for invertible neural networks
Strided.jl147A Julia package for strided array views and efficient manipulations thereof
MLJFlux.jl145Wrapping deep learning models from the package Flux.jl for use in the MLJ.jl toolbox
PastaQ.jl142Package for Simulation, Tomography and Analysis of Quantum Computers
SearchLight.jl139ORM layer for Genie.jl, the highly productive Julia web framework
StatsKit.jl139Convenience meta-package to load essential packages for statistics
Starlight.jl138A greedy game engine for greedy programmers!
TensorCast.jl137It slices, it dices, it splices!
ConformalPrediction.jl135Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
Fermi.jl135Fermi quantum chemistry program
MPSKit.jl127A Julia package dedicated to simulating quantum many-body systems using Matrix Product States (MPS)
Kinetic.jl122Universal modeling and simulation of fluid mechanics upon machine learning. From the Boltzmann equation, heading towards multiscale and multiphysics flows.
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
MultilayerGraphs.jl118A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
CounterfactualExplanations.jl117A package for Counterfactual Explanations and Algorithmic Recourse in Julia.
ClimateTools.jl116Climate science package for Julia
MIPVerify.jl113Evaluating Robustness of Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming
TSML.jl112A package for time series data processing, classification, clustering, and prediction.
MRIsim.jl111Koma is a Pulseq-compatible framework to efficiently simulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The main focus of this package is to simulate general scenarios that could arise in pulse sequence development.
Bootstrap.jl110Statistical bootstrapping library for Julia
Feather.jl109Read and write feather files in pure Julia
Avalon.jl106Starter kit for legendary models
ProbabilisticCircuits.jl105Probabilistic Circuits from the Juice library
MLDataUtils.jl102Utility package for generating, loading, splitting, and processing Machine Learning datasets
MagNav.jl101MagNav: airborne Magnetic anomaly Navigation
Mads.jl101MADS: Model Analysis & Decision Support
Flux3D.jl1013D computer vision library in Julia
FundamentalsNumericalComputation.jl97Core functions for the Julia (2nd) edition of the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun.
JWAS.jl96Julia for Whole-genome Analysis Software
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