Dependency Packages
FinancialDSL.jl13DSL for Financial Contracts.
BayesianQuadrature.jl13Is there anything we can't make Bayesian?
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
ExactODEReduction.jl13Exact reduction of ODE models via linear transformations
ChargeTransport.jl13Drift diffusion simulator for semiconductor devices
EquationsOfStateOfSolids.jl13A Julia package for fitting the equation of state of solids, and more
EmpiricalDistributions.jl13Empirical probability distributions in Julia
EllipticalSliceSampling.jl13Julia implementation of elliptical slice sampling.
CategoricalDistributions.jl13Providing probability distributions and non-negative measures over finite sets, whose elements are labelled.
SymbolicAnalysis.jl13Symbolics-based function property propagation for optimization
PossibilisticArithmetic.jl13Julia package for performing rigorous arithmetic of Imprecise Probabilities with fuzzy numbers
PortfolioOpt.jl13Portfolio optimization
TransferEntropy.jl13Transfer entropy (conditional mutual information) estimators for the Julia language
SmoothLocalProjections.jl13Julia implementation of Smooth Local Projections (SLP)
DiscreteChoiceModels.jl13Discrete choice/random utility models in Julia
AutoEncoderToolkit.jl13Julia package with several functions to train and analyze Autoencoder-based neural networks
POMDPStressTesting.jl13Adaptive stress testing of black-box systems within POMDPs.jl
BioProfiling.jl13A flexible Julia toolkit for high-dimensional cellular profiles
VIDA.jl13EHT Image domain analysis through template matching.
GroupedErrors.jl13Population data analysis in Julia
DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl13Package Information and Documentation
GModelFit.jl13A data-driven model fitting framework
Cumulants.jl13Multivariate cumulants of any order
LocalPoly.jl13Local polynomial regression in pure Julia
CryptoDashApp.jl13Julia dashboard for analysis of cryptocurrency market data
PhyNEST.jl13A Julia package for estimating phylogenetic networks from genomic data
GCIdentifier.jl13Tools to perform group contribution (GC) identification, given the SMILES of a compound
PersistenceDiagrams.jl13Persistence Diagrams in Julia
GARCH.jl13Julia GARCH package
OpenQuantumSystems.jl13Library for the numerical simulation of open quantum systems.
ModelWrappers.jl13ModelWrappers.jl is a utility package that makes it easier to work with Model parameters stated as (nested) NamedTuples.
JellyMe4.jl12RCall support for MixedModels.jl and lme4
PyramidScheme.jl12Building and using pyramids for large raster data
SpikeSorting.jl12Online spike sorting methods in Julia
FeedbackParticleFilters.jl12A Julia package that provides (feedback) particle filters for nonlinear stochastic filtering and data assimilation problems
ClimatePlots.jl12Plotting library for ClimateTools
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