Dependency Packages
ScoreDrivenModels.jl31Score-driven models, aka generalized autoregressive score models, in Julia
ElectricGrid.jl31A time domain electrical energy grid modeling and simulation tool with a focus on the control of power electronics converters
MuseInference.jl31Fast approximate high-dimensional hierarchical Bayesian inference
Attractors.jl31Find attractors (and their basins) of dynamical systems. Perform global continuation. Study global stability (a.k.a. non-local, or resilience). Also tipping points functionality.
Controlz.jl30Simulation of simple controls problems in Julia
PowerGraphics.jl30A package to generate visualizations from PowerSimulations.jl results. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
TurbulenceConvection.jl30A turbulence-convection single column model cloud parameterization.
QuantumDynamics.jl30Quantum dynamics simulation environment
Microeconometrics.jl30Microeconometric estimation in Julia
SIRUS.jl30Interpretable Machine Learning via Rule Extraction
PowerModelsADA.jl30A package for solving optimal power flow problems using distributed algorithms.
SurvivalAnalysis.jl30A survival analysis interface for Julia
IndividualDisplacements.jl30Trajectory simulations for point particles in Ocean, Atmosphere, etc flow fields
NLSolversBase.jl30Base package for optimization and equation solver software in JuliaNLSolvers
DPFEHM.jl30DPFEHM: A Differentiable Subsurface Flow Simulator
GridapPETSc.jl30Provides PETSc solvers to the Gridap project
SteadyStateDiffEq.jl30Solvers for steady states in scientific machine learning (SciML)
Yields.jl30Composable contracts, models, and functions that allow for modeling of both simple and complex financial instruments
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
QuasinormalModes.jl30A Julia package for computing discrete eigenvalues of second order ODEs
TrixiParticles.jl29TrixiParticles.jl: Particle-based multiphysics simulations in Julia
ThinFilmsTools.jl29Tools for the design and characterisation of thin-films written in Julia.
InteractiveFixedEffectModels.jl29Interactive Fixed Effect Models — Bai (2009)
PotentialFlow.jl29A scaffolding for building inviscid flow models
LLMTextAnalysis.jl29Effortlessly uncover and label thematic insights in large document collections using the power of Large Language Models and Julia Language
Octofitter.jl29Octofitter is a Julia package for performing Bayesian inference against direct images of exoplanets, relative astrometry, and astrometric acceleration of the host star.
BioEnergeticFoodWebs.jl28A unified interface for simulations of the Bio-Energetic model on food webs
ManifoldDiffEq.jl28Differential equations on manifolds
PDESystemLibrary.jl28A library of systems of partial differential equations, as defined with ModelingToolkit.jl in Julia
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
KernelEstimator.jl27The julia package for nonparametric density estimate and regression
AeroAcoustics.jl27A Julia package for Aeroacoustics
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
Ai4EComponentLib.jl27A component library based on ModelingToolkit
AlgamesDriving.jl26A set of tools to quickly generate and visualize autonomous driving scenarios for Algames.jl.
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
Wannier.jl26A playground for Wannier functions
GeoStatsBase.jl26Base package for the GeoStats.jl framework
PolaronMobility.jl26Feynman's variational path-integral model for the Fröhlich polaron. Calculates temperature dependent polaron mobilities, and other polaron observables.
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