Dependency Packages
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
Metida.jl25Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.
Extremes.jl25Extreme value analysis package for Julia
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
ThreeBodyTB.jl25Accurate and fast tight-binding calculations, using pre-fit coefficients and three-body terms.
StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl25Stochastic delay differential equations (SDDE) solvers for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
DiffEqFinancial.jl25Differential equation problem specifications and scientific machine learning for common financial models
MHDFlows.jl24Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in julia with FourierFlows.jl
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
QuantumAnnealing.jl24Tools for the Simulation and Execution of Quantum Annealing Algorithms
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
GasPowerModels.jl24Julia packages for joint optimization of natural gas and power transmission networks
PlantBiophysics.jl23A Julia package for computing processes related to plant ecophysiology and biophysics
OptControl.jl23A tool to solve optimal control problem
SwitchOnSafety.jl22Julia Package for computing [controlled] invariant sets of Hybrid Systems using Sum Of Squares Programming
FluxReconstruction.jl22Flux reconstruction method for advection-diffusion type physics
ContinuousNormalizingFlows.jl22Implementations of Infinitesimal Continuous Normalizing Flows Algorithms in Julia
EquivalentCircuits.jl22A julia package to either fit the parameters of a specified equivalent electrical circuit to electrochemical impedance data, or to suggest a plausible circuit configuration for a given set of measurements (either through a comparison of circuits from the literature, or through an evolutionary algorithm approach).
PowerPlots.jl22Functions plot PowerModels networks
ModelingToolkitNeuralNets.jl22Symbolic-Numeric Universal Differential Equations for Automating Scientific Machine Learning (SciML)
UnsteadyFlowSolvers.jl22Solvers for problems involving unsteady fluid flow
PowerModelsAnnex.jl22A PowerModels.jl Extension Package for Exploratory Work
PiecewiseDeterministicMarkovProcesses.jl21Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes in Julia
QuantumWalk.jl21QuantumWalk.jl: Package for building algorithms based on quantum walks
ElectrochemicalKinetics.jl21Electrochemical reaction rate modeling and nonequilibrium phase maps (via AD)
GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl21Finite Element Module for Julia that focusses on gradient-robust discretisations and multiphysics problems
Trebuchet.jl21Throw stuff
PowerModelsRestoration.jl21A PowerModels Extension for Optimization of Power Network Restoration
NeutronTransport.jl21Method of Characteristics neutral particle transport code for reactor physics written in Julia.
UnitfulAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
FMIExport.jl20FMIExport.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language which allows for the export of FMUs ( from any Julia-Code. FMIExport.jl is completely integrated into FMI.jl.
MATLABDiffEq.jl20Common interface bindings for the MATLAB ODE solvers via MATLAB.jl for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning ecosystem
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