Dependency Packages
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
Sentinel.jl6This is a Julia library for processing ESA Sentinel 2 satellite data.
Implicit3DPlotting.jl6Repository for plotting implicitly defined surfaces and curves in R3.
RungeKutta.jl5Runge-Kutta Methods in Julia
Loraine.jl5Julia code for general and low-rank semidefinite optimization
ThresholdStability.jl5Stability Tools for Threshold Vector Autoregressive Models
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
TrajectoryGamesExamples.jl5Example environments and tools for the TrajectoryGamesBase interface.
HyperVoronoiDelaunay.jl4Voronoi and Delaunay tesselation in arbitrary dimension
ElectronLiquid.jl4Effective field theory approach to the electron liquid problem
ParticleMDI.jl4A Julia package for integrative cluster analysis of multiple genomics datasets
PoincareInvariants.jl4Julia library for the computation of Poincaré integral invariants
PolynomialAmoebas.jl4Package to compute Amoebas in 2 and 3 variables.
QSFit.jl4QSO spectral fitting made easy!
QuadratureRules.jl4A Collection of Quadrature Rules in Julia
XGPaint.jl4Fast forward simulations of extragalactic foregrounds
XPORTA.jl4A Julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
MultiGridBarrier.jl3MultiGrid Barrier method
DeferredAcceptance.jl3A Julia implementation of several tools for solving school-choice problems and computing equilibria in nonatomic school-choice markets.
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
OptiMimi.jl3Optimization for the Mimi.jl modeling framework
NEFTInterface.jl3Interfacing NumericalEFT with TRIQS and other external packages.
PolyhedralCubature.jl2Multiple integration on convex polytopes.
StochasticIntegrators.jl2Stochastic Numerical Integrators in Julia
SignalingDimension.jl2Certify the classical simulation cost of black-box systems.
GaussianMixtureAlignment.jl2Julia implementation of the Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment algorithm (Campbel 2016)
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