Dependency Packages
StatsMakie.jl48Statistical visualizations based on high performance plotting package Makie
ImageSegmentation.jl47Partitioning images into meaningful regions
MakieGallery.jl47Documentation and Example Gallery for Makie
ImageTransformations.jl46Geometric transformations on images for Julia
YOLO.jl45YOLO Object Detection in Julia
ImageFeatures.jl44Image feature detection for the Julia language
Crux.jl43Julia library for deep reinforcement learning
DataAugmentation.jl41Flexible data augmentation library for machine and deep learning
ClimateSatellite.jl41Julia package that downloads satellite measurements and observational data
ImageQuilting.jl41Fast image quilting simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
RHEOS.jl39RHEOS - Open Source Rheology data analysis software
RealNeuralNetworks.jl38A unified framework for skeletonization, morphological analysis, and connectivity analysis.
HiQGA.jl37High Quality Geophysical Analysis provides a general purpose Bayesian and deterministic inversion framework for various geophysical methods and spatially distributed / timeseries data
BlobTracking.jl36Detect and track blobs in video
AIBECS.jl36The ideal tool for exploring global marine biogeochemical cycles.
ImageBinarization.jl35A Julia package of algorithms for analyzing images and automatically binarizing them into background and foreground.
ImageClipboard.jl35Copy & Paste images with Julia
AstroNbodySim.jl32Unitful and differentiable gravitational N-body simulation code in Julia
StatGeochem.jl31Computational tools for statistical geochemistry and petrology
ChaoticEncryption.jl30Fast image encryption and decryption algorithms in Julia!
VisualRegressionTests.jl29Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries
LaMEM.jl29Julia interface to LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model)
OCReract.jl29A simple Julia wrapper for Tesseract OCR
ImageIO.jl28Load images in Julia. Designed for FileIO interaction. Supports PNG and Portable Bitmap formats
FaceDetection.jl28A face detection algorithm using Viola-Jones' rapid object detection framework written in Julia
Fable.jl28General purpose animations via iterated function systems
AstroImages.jl28Visualization of astronomical images
CLEARSWI.jl27Improved susceptibility weighted imaging using multi-echo aquisitions
Eikonal.jl27Solvers for the Eikonal equation
ImageShow.jl26Inline graphical display of images in Julia graphical environments
ImageInpainting.jl26Image inpainting algorithms in Julia
MriResearchTools.jl25Specialized tools for MRI
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
TestImages.jl25Commonly used test images
ElasticSurfaceEmbedding.jl25The weaving paper strips: shape optimization by geometric elasticity
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
OMETIFF.jl24I/O operations for OME-TIFF files in Julia
FluxKAN.jl24An easy to use Flux implementation of the Kolmogorov Arnold Network. This is a Julia version of TorchKAN.
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