Dependency Packages
SphericalScattering.jl18This package provides semi-analytical solutions to the scattering of time harmonic and static electromagnetic fields from spherical objects.
JSXGraph.jl17[wip] Julia bridge to JSXGraph for interactive plots
ContinuousTransformations.jl17Continuous transformations from ℝ or ℝⁿ to various open sets
InteractiveGeodynamics.jl14Interactive examples for different geodynamic problems
SoleLogics.jl14Computational logic in Julia!
Elfel.jl14Extensible library for finite element programming
CryptoDashApp.jl13Julia dashboard for analysis of cryptocurrency market data
CompositionalNetworks.jl13A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
GroupedErrors.jl13Population data analysis in Julia
SpmImageTycoon.jl13Organize Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM, STM, AFM) Images and Spectra.
SoleModels.jl12Symbolic modeling in Julia!
NURBS.jl11This package provides functionality to define and evaluate B-spline and NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline) basis functions, their derivatives, as well as curves and surfaces based on both considered basis functions.
SoleData.jl11Manage unstructured and multimodal datasets!
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
RegularizationTools.jl11A Julia package to perform Tikhonov regularization for small to moderate size problems.
ModalDecisionTrees.jl11Julia implementation of Modal Decision Trees & Forests, for interpretable classification of spatial and temporal data. Long live Symbolic Learning!!
JuliaKara.jl9A julia port of the learning environment Kara
SimpleFeatures.jl9Working with simple feature GIS data in Julia
WGPUgfx.jl8WGPU graphics library julia
MAGEMinApp.jl7Graphical User Interface for MAGEMin, which runs in your web-browser.
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
ComputerAdaptiveTesting.jl6Modular/extensible Julia library for Computer Adaptive Tests
ConstraintModels.jl6A package that stores Constraint Programming models for JuliaConstraints solvers
ConstraintDomains.jl6A package to handle the domain of variables in JuliaConstraints packages.
PowerSpectra.jl6Power spectra on the masked sky
ConstraintLearning.jl5A Julia package for people that love to learn new things about constraints
QXContexts.jl5Julia package for performing tensor contractions on distributed machines
MinimalRLCore.jl5Minimal Reinforcement Learning
ModalDecisionLists.jl5Modal decision trees, but it's sequential covering.
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
SortedVectors.jl5Lightweight wrapper to declare that a vector is sorted.
EyeTrackingUtils.jl5Robust package for preparing and analysing eye tracking data
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