Dependency Packages
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
DynamicHMC.jl243Implementation of robust dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods (NUTS) in Julia.
Stan.jl211Stan.jl illustrates the usage of the 'single method' packages, e.g. StanSample, StanOptimize, etc.
Caesar.jl184Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to for help.
Omega.jl162Causal, Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programming
TensorCast.jl137It slices, it dices, it splices!
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
MacroModelling.jl95Macros and functions to work with DSGE models.
QuantumInformation.jl92A Julia package for numerical computation in quantum information theory
Dynare.jl86A Julia rewrite of Dynare: solving, simulating and estimating DSGE models.
IncrementalInference.jl72Clique recycling non-Gaussian (multi-modal) factor graph solver; also see Caesar.jl.
RoME.jl64Robot Motion Estimate: Tools, Variables, and Factors for SLAM in robotics; also see Caesar.jl.
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
JosephsonCircuits.jl50Frequency domain, multi-tone harmonic balance, simulation of scattering parameters and noise in nonlinear circuits containing Josephson junctions.
DynamicHMCExamples.jl37Examples for Bayesian inference using DynamicHMC.jl and related packages.
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
SparseGaussianProcesses.jl33A Julia implementation of sparse Gaussian processes via path-wise doubly stochastic variational inference.
MESTI.jl313D multi-source electromagnetic simulations in frequency domain, implementing the augmented partial factorization (APF) and other methods.
DistributedFactorGraphs.jl22Abstraction layer for spanning factor graphs over various technologies
RegressionAndOtherStories.jl22Data and functions to support Julia projects based on the book "Regression and Other Stories" by Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill and Aki Vehtari.
SpikingNN.jl19An multi-platform spiking neural network simulator
ParetoSmooth.jl19An implementation of PSIS algorithms in Julia.
StanSample.jl18WIP: Wrapper package for the sample method in Stan's cmdstan executable.
DynamicHMCModels.jl18DynamicHMC versions of StatisticalRethinking models
TightBindingToolkit.jl13Tools for general Tight Binding systems
ApproxManifoldProducts.jl12Approximate the product between infinite functional objects on a manifold -- i.e. belief products
Arena.jl7Collection 3D visualization tools associated with the Caesar.jl and RoME.jl robot navigation packages
CCDReduction.jl7A package for performing CCD data reduction.
StanModels.jl7Stan versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
FullNetworkSystems.jl6Definitions of the Julia types for simulating an ISO's market clearing.
AxisSets.jl5Consistent operations over a collection of KeyedArrays
KeyedDistributions.jl4Distributions and Sampleables with keys for the variates
MeanFieldToolkit.jl4Package for solving generalized BdG mean field theory of interacting systems.
MatrixProductBP.jl4Matrix Product Belief Propagation
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