Dependency Packages
GeneralAstrodynamics.jl21Astrodynamics with units! Provides common astrodynamics calculations, plotting, and iterative Halo, Kepler, and Lambert solvers.
MetacommunityDynamics.jl20Population and community dynamics on spatial graphs, in julia. (formerly EcoDynamics.jl)
CalibrateEDMF.jl20A package to calibrate atmospheric turbulence and convection parameterizations using gradient-free ensemble Kalman methods
TinyModia.jl20Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
RelativisticDynamics.jl19General Relativistic Orbital Dynamics in Julia
CellBasedModels.jl18Julia package for multicellular modeling
MeshGraphNets.jl18MeshGraphNets.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
MOSLab.jl18From Semiconductor to TransistorLevel Modeling in Julia
EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl18A simulator for ecological dynamics written in Julia.
LowRankIntegrators.jl17Package for approximation of solutions to matrix differential equations or time-dependent matrices via dynamically evolving low rank decomposition.
NeuralGraphPDE.jl17Integrating Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, the Method of Lines, and Graph Neural Networks
ReactiveDynamics.jl17A Julia package that implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems.
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
JointSurvivalModels.jl12Julia implementation of joint models combining longitudinal and survival endpoints
ControlBarrierFunctions.jl12Control barrier functions (CBFs) in Julia.
Sisyphus.jl11A high-performance library for gradient based quantum optimal control
GeneralizedSasakiNakamura.jl11Computing solutions to the frequency-domain radial Teukolsky equation with the Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura (GSN) formalism in julia
SpiDy.jl11:spider: Non-Markovian stochastic SPIn (and harmonic oscillator) DYnamics.
ModiaLang.jl11Deprecated package (use instead Modia.jl)
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
DynamicOED.jl10Optimal experimental design of ODE and DAE systems in julia
NumCME.jl8Direct solution of the Chemical Master Equation in Julia.
ShipMMG.jl8Ship maneuvering simulation tool with respect to ShipMMG model
QuantumGraining.jl7A package for obtaining the effective time-averaged Lindbladian.
WaveguideQED.jl7Library for simulating time binned photons in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
RealTimeAudioDiffEq.jl7A Julia package for real-time audification of ODEs and SDEs
Consensus.jl7A lightweight Consensus-Based Optimisation package for Julia
VlasovMethods.jl6Numerical Methods for Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Maxwell Systems
DeepCompartmentModels.jl6Package for fitting models according to the deep compartment modeling framework for pharmacometric applications.
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
Population.jl5A dynamically-structured matrix population model
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
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