Dependency Packages
OhMyQSIM.jl3Yet another Quantum simulator
OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids.jl3🌐 Recipes and tools for generating spherical shell grids for ocean simulations with Oceananigans
PALEOcopse.jl3Julia version of the COPSE (Carbon, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Evolution) biogeochemical model.
ParametricOperators.jl3Scalable and distributed matrix-free abstractions for machine learning and scientific computing
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
NCTiles.jl3NetCDF support for climate model output and domain decompositions
GillMatsuno.jl3Julia code for analytic and numeric solutions of the GIll Matsuno Circulation
ClimateERA.jl3Julia package to download and analyse ECMWF reanalysis data, with some calculations for other variables thrown in.
GeoArtifacts.jl3Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
QWignerSymbols.jl3A Julia package for computing q-deformed Wigner Symbols and related quantities.
RasterHistograms.jl3Empirical distribution fitting for Rasters.jl.
RealPolyhedralHomotopy.jl3A package for finding real roots of systems of polynomial equations using polyhedral homotopy.
EHTImages.jl3A Julia package to handle high dimensional astronomy image data sets for radio interferometry
AbstractImageReconstruction.jl2Abstract interface for image reconstruction algorithms and their parameters
NetCDFTools.jl2NetCDF tools for CMIP6 data processing
LinearCovarianceModels.jl2Compute MLEs for linear covariance models
PALEOboxes.jl2Model coupler for the PALEO model framework
PALEOmodel.jl2PALEO framework modules (solvers, output, plots) for constructing standalone models
PRISMA.jl2Generate checklists and flow diagrams based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
SDFReader.jl2Read SDF files created by EPOCH
SideKicks.jl2Statistical Inference to DEtermine KICKS on compact objects
SpmImages.jl2A julia library to read and display SPM (scanning probe microscopy) images
CineFiles.jl2Simple reader for grayscale .cine (Phantom video) files
BOSS.jl2BOSS (Bayesian Optimization with Semiparametric Surrogate)
BarBay.jl2Repository for the BarBay Julia package for Bayesian inference of relative fitness on barcode sequencing data.
VisClaw.jl2Visualization tools for Clawpack simulations with the Julia language
NCRegressionTests.jl1A package for regression tests over NCDatasets.
ReefModEngine.jl1A Julia interface to the ReefMod Engine API
Cyclotomics.jl1A package for working with cyclotomic numbers
GeoData.jl1Archive of GeoData.jl, which is replaced by Rasters.jl
Mikrubi.jl1Mikrubi: a model for species distributions using region-based records
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