Dependency Packages
InverseDistanceWeighting.jl3Inverse distance estimation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
MaxEntropyGraphs.jl3Julia implementation of maximum entropy graph models
CPLEXCP.jl3Julia interface for CPLEX CP Optimizer
SimplicialCubature.jl3Integration on simplices.
IteratedProcessSimulations.jl3Simulate Machine Learning-based Business Processes in Julia
FSimPlots.jl3The plotting package for predefined environments exported from FlightSims.jl
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
HighDimMixedModels.jl3Julia package for fitting regularized linear mixed-effect models on high-dimensional omics data.
RatingCurves.jl3Fit power-law rating curves to level and discharge couples.
OptiMimi.jl3Optimization for the Mimi.jl modeling framework
DynOptInterface.jl3A Dynamic Optimization extension to MathOptInterface.jl
NetworkJumpProcesses.jl3Julia package to facilitate the construction of JumpProblems on graphs.
LinearNoiseApproximation.jl3This package provides a numerical method of applying linear noise approximation (LNA) to a given reaction system
Flowstar.jl3Julia wrapper for Flow*
BoxCox.jl3Box-Cox transformation in Julia
DerivableFunctions.jl3Backend-agnostic differentiation with symbolic pass-through in Julia.
EarthSciMLBase.jl3Basic functionality for EarthSciML system
TraitSimulation.jl3Simulate phenotypes from any GLM model
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
RSDeltaSigmaPort.jl3Port of Richard Schreier's Delta Sigma Toolbox
MultiwayNumberPartitioning.jl3Solving a partitioning problem exactly
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
SymbolicNeuralNetworks.jl3Analytic neural networks based on Symbolics.jl
DynACof.jl3The Dynamic Agroforestry Coffee Crop Model in Julia
Basinhopping.jl3The basinhopping global optimization algorithm written in the Julia programming language
RealPolyhedralHomotopy.jl3A package for finding real roots of systems of polynomial equations using polyhedral homotopy.
Polyomino.jl3Polyomino.jl - Polyomino generation and chess algorithms implemented in Julia
ClimaCalibrate.jl3Calibration pipeline for ClimaAtmos.jl
NonconvexMetaheuristics.jl3Wrapper of Metaheuristics.jl using the Nonconvex.jl API.
StateSpaceReconstruction.jl3State space reconstruction (SSR) for the study of dynamical system from time series.
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