Dependency Packages
HopTB.jl51Tight-binding package written in Julia
GeoArrays.jl51Simple geographical raster interaction built on top of ArchGDAL, GDAL and CoordinateTransformations
GlobalSensitivity.jl51Robust, Fast, and Parallel Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) in Julia
TypeDBClient.jl51A client interface to read from and write to the TypeDB Knowledge Graph
AppBundler.jl51Bundle your Julia application
TORA.jl51Trajectory Optimization for Robot Arms
MagneticReadHead.jl50A cassette-based debugger | The Other Debugger
DaggerGPU.jl50GPU integrations for Dagger.jl
ParallelKMeans.jl50Parallel & lightning fast implementation of available classic and contemporary variants of the KMeans clustering algorithm
ConstructiveGeometry.jl50Algorithms and syntax for building CSG objects within Julia.
PorousMaterials.jl50Julia package towards classical molecular modeling of nanoporous materials
PATHSolver.jl50Provides a Julia wrapper for the PATH Solver for solving mixed complementarity problems
CSVFiles.jl50FileIO.jl integration for CSV files
Pickle.jl50An experimental package for loading and saving object in Python Pickle format.
Preconditioners.jl50A few preconditioners for iterative solvers.
JosephsonCircuits.jl50Frequency domain, multi-tone harmonic balance, simulation of scattering parameters and noise in nonlinear circuits containing Josephson junctions.
MakieLayout.jl50Layouting for Makie.jl
SpectralClustering.jl49Spectral clustering algorithms written in Julia
DeepEquilibriumNetworks.jl49Implicit Layer Machine Learning via Deep Equilibrium Networks, O(1) backpropagation with accelerated convergence.
BilevelOptimization.jl49JuMP-based toolbox for solving bilevel optimization problems
SymbolicControlSystems.jl49C-code generation and an interface between ControlSystems.jl and SymPy.jl
EarthEngine.jl49Google Earth Engine in Julia
MinimallyDisruptiveCurves.jl49Finds relationships between the parameters of a mathematical model
LogicCircuits.jl49Logic Circuits from the Juice library
QuantumControl.jl49Julia Framework for Quantum Dynamics and Control
Ghost.jl48The Code Tracer
PlmDCA.jl48Pseudo Likelihood Maximization for protein in Julia
StatsMakie.jl48Statistical visualizations based on high performance plotting package Makie
VortexLattice.jl48A Comprehensive Julia implementation of the Vortex Lattice Method
DiffEqPhysics.jl48A library for building differential equations arising from physical problems for physics-informed and scientific machine learning (SciML)
UNet.jl48Generic UNet implementation written in pure Julia, based on Flux.jl
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
RobustNeuralNetworks.jl48A Julia package for robust neural networks.
AWSS3.jl48AWS S3 Simple Storage Service interface for Julia.
AWSCore.jl48Amazon Web Services Core Functions and Types
ImageSegmentation.jl47Partitioning images into meaningful regions
LightOSM.jl47A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.
NOMAD.jl47Julia interface to the NOMAD blackbox optimization software
OSMMakie.jl47A Makie.jl recipe for plotting OpenStreetMap data.
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