Dependency Packages
RandomFourierFeatures.jl3[WIP] Random Fourier Feature approximations for KernelFunctions.jl
EarthSciMLBase.jl3Basic functionality for EarthSciML system
VoxelRayTracers.jl3CPU ray tracing through voxelized geometry
NonlinearSolveMINPACK.jl3Wrappers for MINPACK into the SciML Common Interface
InvariantCausalPrediction.jl3Invariant Causal Prediction in pure Julia
RandomMatrixDistributions.jl3Specification and efficient samplers for several random matrix distributions, focusing on spiked models in real-valued data.
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
SpmImages.jl2A julia library to read and display SPM (scanning probe microscopy) images
DynamicBoundsBase.jl2Abstraction Layer for Dynamic Bounds
Spirograph.jl2Julia implementation of a spirograph
TaijaPlotting.jl2A package for plotting custom symbols from Taija packages.
ElectronTests.jl2Common utilities for testing JSServe apps with Electron
PALEOmodel.jl2PALEO framework modules (solvers, output, plots) for constructing standalone models
OutlierDetectionTest.jl2Test Toolkit for Outlier Detection Algorithms
Photodynamics.jl2Photodynamics for multi-body systems.
OutlierDetectionData.jl2Easy way to use public outlier detection datasets with Julia
StateSpacePartitions.jl2Automatic partitions of state space from a dynamical system
TagPOMDPProblem.jl2Tag POMDP problem using POMDPS.jl
Firefly.jl2Like fireflies next to spotlights
StatisticalRethinkingPlots.jl2Plots based plotting functions for StatisticalRethinking
PhysicalTrees.jl2Distributed physical tree interfaces for Julia
AutomationLabsSystems.jl2Advanced systems management for AutomationLabs
OndaBatches.jl2Local and distributed batch loading for Onda datasets
ODEConvergenceTester.jl2A simple package for reporting temporal convergence tests for OrdinaryDiffEq.jl's integrator object.
Bingomatic.jl2A simple package for generating bingo cards.
AcuteBenchmark.jl2Automatically benchmark functions!
OceanographyCruises.jl2Types and interface for oceanographic cruise data (originally designed for AIBECS.jl)
NumericalRange.jl2A Julia function for plotting the boundary of the numerical range (field of values) of a matrix.
FiniteSizeScaling.jl2FiniteSizeScaling.jl: A Julia data analysis package for finding optimized values of phase transition parameters and critical exponents.
PixelArt.jl2Sample repository in
Pixell.jl2Next-generation sky map manipulation on rectangular pixels
BitemporalPostgres.jl2Julia-API for bitemporal, that is: audit proof, CRUD based on SearchLight.jl and POSTGRES
FinEtoolsVibInFluids.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Vibration of elastic solids partially or fully submerged in inviscid fluid
ImageAxes.jl2Julia package for giving "meaning" to the axes of an image
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