Dependency Packages
Turing.jl2026Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
MLJ.jl1779A Julia machine learning framework
NeuralPDE.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
SymbolicRegression.jl580Distributed High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Julia
StatisticalRethinking.jl386Julia package with selected functions in the R package `rethinking`. Used in the SR2... projects.
MCMCChains.jl266Types and utility functions for summarizing Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
Stan.jl211Stan.jl illustrates the usage of the 'single method' packages, e.g. StanSample, StanOptimize, etc.
EvoTrees.jl175Boosted trees in Julia
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
MLJBase.jl160Core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework
MLJFlux.jl145Wrapping deep learning models from the package Flux.jl for use in the MLJ.jl toolbox
ConformalPrediction.jl135Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ.
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
CounterfactualExplanations.jl117A package for Counterfactual Explanations and Algorithmic Recourse in Julia.
ArviZ.jl106Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Julia
MagNav.jl101MagNav: airborne Magnetic anomaly Navigation
ScientificTypes.jl96An API for dispatching on the "scientific" type of data instead of the machine type
LightGBM.jl93Julia FFI interface to Microsoft's LightGBM package
BetaML.jl92Beta Machine Learning Toolkit
Dynare.jl86A Julia rewrite of Dynare: solving, simulating and estimating DSGE models.
CalibrateEmulateSample.jl84Stochastic Optimization, Learning, Uncertainty and Sampling
MLJLinearModels.jl81Generalized Linear Regressions Models (penalized regressions, robust regressions, ...)
MLJModels.jl80Home of the MLJ model registry and tools for model queries and mode code loading
OutlierDetection.jl79Fast, scalable and flexible Outlier Detection with Julia
EasyModelAnalysis.jl79High level functions for analyzing the output of simulations
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
Econometrics.jl69Econometrics in Julia
Turkie.jl68Turing + Makie = Turkie
MLJTuning.jl67Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework
Ripserer.jl63Flexible and efficient persistent homology computation.
MeshViz.jl54Makie.jl recipes for visualization of Meshes.jl
CMBLensing.jl52The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.
ParallelKMeans.jl50Parallel & lightning fast implementation of available classic and contemporary variants of the KMeans clustering algorithm
NestedSamplers.jl41Implementations of single and multi-ellipsoid nested sampling
PartialLeastSquaresRegressor.jl40Implementation of a Partial Least Squares Regressor
LaplaceRedux.jl38Effortless Bayesian Deep Learning through Laplace Approximation for Flux.jl neural networks.
MCMCBenchmarks.jl37Comparing performance and results of mcmc options using Julia
MLJModelInterface.jl37Lightweight package to interface with MLJ
Sole.jl37Sole.jl – Long live transparent modeling!
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