Dependency Packages
DDEBifurcationKit.jl5Numerical bifurcation analysis for delay differential equations
EvidentialFlux.jl5Evidential Deep Learning Layers for Flux
MoM_AllinOne.jl5A Julia package for integration of packages of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
LeafGasExchange.jl5🍃 coupled leaf gas-exchange model
SafetySignalDetection.jl5Bayesian Safety Signal Detection in Julia
FSimBase.jl5The lightweight base package for numerical simulation supporting nested dynamical systems and macro-based data logger. For more functionality, see FlightSims.jl.
NetworkHawkesProcesses.jl5Network Hawkes processes in Julia.
MLJBalancing.jl5A package with exported learning networks that combine resampling methods from Imbalance.jl and classification models from MLJ
ReliabilityOptimization.jl5Reliability-based optimization
AreaInterpolation.jl5Interpolation between areas (polygons) in Julia
FeatureRegistries.jl5Registries for package feature for easy discovery.
Mazes.jl5Create grid mazes
BaseModelica.jl5Importers for the BaseModelica standard into the Julia ModelingToolkit ecosystem
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
GeometricProblems.jl5Example problems for GeometricIntegrators.jl
ISOKANN.jl5Julia implementation of the ISOKANN algorithm for the computation of invariant subspaces of Koopman operators
Folds.jl5A unified interface for sequential, threaded, and distributed fold
DiffEqPDEBase.jl5Library for common tools for solving PDEs with finite difference methods (FDM), finite volume methods (FVM), finite element methods (FEM), and psuedospectral methods in a way that integrates with the SciML Scientific Mechine Learning ecosystem
VirtualAcousticOcean.jl5Real-time underwater acoustic simulator
DynamicGridsInteract.jl5An iteractive DynamicGrids.jl UI for Jupyter, atom, desktop and the web.
RungeKutta.jl5Runge-Kutta Methods in Julia
ConstraintLearning.jl5A Julia package for people that love to learn new things about constraints
AutomationLabs.jl5A powerful, no code solution for control and systems engineering
FMIBase.jl5FMIBase.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMIImport.jl and FMIExport.jl.
SliceSampling.jl5Slice sampling algorithms in Julia
WatershedParcellation.jl5A high performance Julia adaptation of the code from "Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations" (Gordon et al 2016)
CodingTheory.jl5Pure Julia implementation of tools used in Coding Theory
HclinicBifurcationKit.jl5Computation of homoclinic (heteroclinic) orbits.
CoralBlox.jl5CoralBlox is a coral growth and mortality model that simulates distinct coral functional groups indirectly competing for a limited space over time. The model does not directly consider natural disturbances nor does it have representation of anthropogenic restoration and conservation activities such as coral seeding or cloud brightening.
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
GtkUtilities.jl5Interactive utilities for the Gtk toolkit (Julia)
SimplePolynomials.jl5Basic polynomials with exact coefficients
PosteriorStats.jl5Statistical analyses for Bayesian workflows
CompressedBeliefMDPs.jl5Compressed belief-state MDPs in Julia compatible with POMDPs.jl
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